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Eric had basically forced Chloe and I to move in with him, it feels different here, knowing what the father of your baby goes through on a daily basis is one thing, being able to see it first hand is another thing completely.

Chloe seems happy though, she has everything from both mine and her house here. She looks like she likes having both her parents under one roof too.

It's weird though, I know you're aloud to be on your own at eighteen, but it's different knowing you're not going to be able to call your parents when you need help. I can't change it though because they were murdered, right in front of me.

"Olivia?" Eric questions as he sets down by me, at the foot of his bed.

I look up from the floor and meet eyes with him.

"Liv, it's going to be okay, I won't let this guy do anything to harm you, Olivia, or our unborn child. It's us against the world now, we'll put up a strong fight, we can and will make it. I promise you this Olivia." He says to me, staring right in my eyes.

I frown, sense when was Eric ever nice to a girl? Especially me, I'm just a nobody that he accidentally knocked up, twice.

"Eric, I wanna keep it, but I'm scared." I admit.

He frowns, looks down at the ground like he's thinking, then meets my eyes again.

"Are you hungry? I normally feed Chloe around this time." He eventually says, I look over at the clock and see its close to six. I use to eat at seven thirty with my parents, but seeing as that's never going to happen again, I just shrug my shoulders. "Liv, come on, you can't just shut down, I didn't when I lost my parents and look where we are today." He smiles. "Olivia, please, think about Chloe and the baby, they need their mom to eat and keep on top of everything. Can you do that? For me? For them?"

"Can you make fried chicken with mash potatoes?" I ask.

Eric chuckles a little and I kind of blush.

"I'll make that for you, if, and only if, you go to the football game tomorrow night to cheer me on, front row." He smirks knowing no way in hell would I turn down chicken, it's my favorite.

I roll my eyes but agree, this is going to be one interesting game tomorrow, seeing as Eric never wants me at his games. The only times I've ever shown up was the first time I found out I was pregnant to tell him, and the day I found out the gender. He always flipped and made me leave before I said anything, told me he didn't want me there. Now he wants me there, interesting.

"Mama? Papa?" Chloe questions as she walks into the room that Eric and I will be sharing. Guess you could say he won't be having anymore of his girls over here for sex time because he has Chloe and I.

"Hi Chloe, what's up baby girl?" Eric ask as Chloe walks over to us.

He picks her up and sets her on the bed with us, I can't help but smile at this. He's such a good father, he just hasn't had the best of influences for himself.

"Papa, I hungwy." Chloe smiles.

"Daddy's making us food baby, come her." She climbs onto my lap and looks at Eric.

"Papa food!" Chloe giggles.

Eric and I chuckle at her before he stands up and goes to make food.

"Papa let mama stay?" Chloe ask.

"Of course Chloe, now go on and play." I say.

She giggles again and runs out of the room to go play.

I stand up and walk to Eric's dresser, he has so many pictures on top of it.

Ones of him and his parents, one of him and his parents with a younger boy, even some of him and Chloe.

One catches my eye though, one of me and Chloe setting at school, on the steps of school to be specific. She's only a few months old in this picture, I don't remember this being taken, or even happening. I have my hair pulled into a messy bun, shorts, tank top, and sneakers on. I'm wearing absolutely no make up, Chloe's outfit you can't even see because she's rapped in a blanket.

I pick the photo up and look at it, I'll have to ask Eric about this later.

He also has a photo of him and I. We're wearing all black and my hands on my stomach, this I do remember. This was at his parents funeral, the day after I told him I was pregnant, he didn't believe me so he took me to the funeral and we're were going to get a test to prove it after. We didn't need the test in the end, I passed out from heat stroke and was rushed to the hospital, where they ran some blood test to make sure I was alright. The blood test proved I was pregnant and provided proof to Eric that I was in fact pregnant.

"Mama?" Chloe questions.

"Ya baby girl?" I kneel down to her level, she runs over sand hugs me.

"I wove you!" She smiles.

I smile back at my little girl and pick her up, "I love you too, Chloe."

I'm Having The Players Baby... AgainWhere stories live. Discover now