Contest Winner's chapter!

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royalstump made this chapter! Go check her out! ~Marissa :3
What Folie a Deux song are you?
Aries: West Coast Smoker
Taurus: Coffee's for Closers
Gemini: The (Shipped) Gold Standard
Cancer: America's Suitehearts
Leo: 27
Virgo: Tiffany Blues
Libra: Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On a Bad Bet
Scorpio: She's My Winona
Sagittarius: What a Catch, Donnie
Capricorn: Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes
Aquarius: I Don't Care
Pisces: 20 Dollar Nosebleed
Next contest I believe that I'm doing is sometime in March! I will post a chapter about it when I'm doing it. It's going to
Be a bit different then the rules of this one. Yet again check out royalstump , the amazing person who wrote and won the last contest. Lots of love ❤️❤️~Marissa

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