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So I got tagged by ThisIsPeridot to do twenty facts about me! So here I go!

1.my all time favorite drummer is Josh Dun

2.my favorite show is supernatural

3. My favorite character from supernatural is Castiel

4.favorite concert that I've ever been to was twenty one pilots (5-8-16)

5. I'm a triplet

6. My favorite food is French fries

7. Favorite fast food places are Taco Bell, Panera bread, and chipotle

8.i draw but I think I suck at it

9.i also sing and I'm even in honors choir but, I think I suck at it

10. Instead of getting shirts at concerts I get hats....

11.I have a dog

12. My favorite color is green

13. My favorite bands are Twenty one pilots, panic! At the disco, fall out boy, and My chemical romance.( I like many more)

14. My dream car is an 1967 Chevy Impala ;)

15. My favorite song right now is kitchen sink by Twenty one pilots

16. My favorite animal is a pig

17. My favorite anime show is soul eater

18.My nick names conclude of Roo, Mari, and T-bell

19. My favorite activity to do is to binge watch any tv shows. ( currently in binge watching supernatural. I'm on season 9)

20. When I grow up I want to be either a singer or a writer!!

Peace out idjits ✌️

I tag any one who wants to do this

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