Chapter 1

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Levi's P.O.V

**********present day (aka what's happening now/not the past or future kind of thing. You know what I mean)**********

I was in my office working on the rogue problem. For some reason their attacking my pack in groups at different times and different places.

For rogues their pretty smart. They haven't made a pattern so we can't track their movements.

"Alpha Levi we have a problem." My Beta Mike tells me.

"What is it Mike?" I ask.

"With all the attacks we've been having, we've have sent more wolves out to patrol the border but we're running low on hands here. The females are trying their best at what they can do. I suggest we get some omegas to help." Mike states.

"Omegas! Omegas are a sign of weakness. My pack is not weak, it'll only make the rogue problem worse." I growl.

"Omegas who are born into a pack shows weakness. I pack who brought a omega shows strength and wealth. Omegas are rear and expensive." Mike says back.

"Fine take someone with you and go find us some omegas or any other wolves who want to help or join." I sit back down and get back to my duties.

"Fine I'll take Hanji with me." I nod.

He leaves the room and I let out a huge sigh. Those damn rogues. Why can't they just leave us pack wolves alone.

Why must they always cause trouble. Just cause they hate our ways, our way of living, our way of dealing with unfortunate problems, cause they hate the idea of an Alpha.

Some rogues do it because they like getting in trouble and causing mischief, for fun. Some do it cause, as I said before, cause they hate the idea of an Alpha.

They don't like how pack members have to summit to someone. They don't like being bossed around. They want to be free and do as they please and frankly I don't blame them.

But sometimes having a Alpha, a leader, is good. Some people can't protect themselves. Some don't know what to do in difficult situation. Some people need a Alpha to help guide them, to help them.

Other rogues attack cause they want blood, cause they enjoy killing people, ripping them apart. They enjoy the screams of the people they kill.

These are the rogues I hate the most. They go around killing whoever they like with out thinking if they have a family, children.

Rogues like that shouldn't deserve to live. They should all just go to hell. To parish for all they have done. Inoccent wolves don't deserve to due that's why I hate rogues.

They don't care who they kill. They don't care if your a daughter, a son, a mum, a dad, a grandma, a grandad, they don't care. They'll just kill you with out thought.

I sigh in frustration. Will omegas really help our situation. But if buying these omegas show our wealth as a pack then that's good enough.

Plus I need more hands on cleaning this house and doing woman jobs like cooking and taking care of children etc.

Plus who knows maybe some of my members might find their mate among the omegas and other wolves who are joining.

I was broken away from my thoughts as there was a light knock on my office door. I looked up before speaking.

"Come in."

In came a strawberry blonde with warm brown eyes. She wore a white tank top and blue short shorts.

(I'm so sorry Ereri shippers but in till Levi meets Eren Petra is his girlfriend.

1. Because Levi sort of a man whore sorry


2. Levi planned out that if he doesn't find his mate he'll just make Petra his mate

Number 2 won't happen because Levi will find his mate who is Eren)

"How's it Alpha." Petra asks once she's fully in my office.

"Petra dear. You don't have to call me Alpha, you have the right to call me by my first name." I say as I motion her to come sit on my lap.

She obeys and sits down facing me. My legs are inside of hers as I wrap my arms around her waist as she does the same but around my neck.

"Sorry I guess it's just a habit." She whispers. She looks down at her lap as a light blush rises on her cheeks.

I find the sight quite cute as I give her a light peck on the lips as a slightly smile at her.

To tell the truth it was slightly fake since I didn't fell the pull. I knew that no wolf could truly love another apart from their mate but that didn't stop them from dating including us.

Petra didn't hesitate to kiss me back. The kiss was longer and somehow sweeter. I knew she was trying to put her heart and soul into the kiss.

I still couldn't understand why. We're not mates yet she acts like we are. I've made it clear many times before that I didn't love her.

I found her beautiful and stunning but I knew my mate would even more beautiful.

I've told Petra that I will mark her as my mate if I didn't find her, my soul mate, my other half. Petra is only a back up plan.

If I couldn't find my mate then there will be no way for me to have children. But I'm an Alpha. I need to have pups so they can take over my pack.

Petra starts to unbutton my top and throws it across the room. I do the same to her but also throw away her light blue laced bra.

I grab a condom out of my desk draw. I kept them there since this wasn't the first time we've fucked here.

I lay Petra on her stomach on my desk. I unbuckle my jeans and slid them down a little along with my boxers.

I pull Petra's short shorts off. I rip open the condom and put it on. I positioned myself at her entrance since I new Petra liked it a little rough.

"AHH." I slammed into her and she screams out in pleasure as a groan lowly.

I kept thrusting into her as my climax neared and I knew she was close too.

"L-levi. I. I'm a-about to. To......" She moans loudly as pleasure runs through her body and she's unable to finish her sentence.

"Yes I know. Me too." I say as I quicken my strong thrust. Soon we climax together.

So second chapter yay. So how was it? Was it good? Please tell me.

Thank you all for reading.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now