chapter 9

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I have a question for all my readers. Who do you picture me as? I would love to know.


Recap of where we left off:

"Yes I like him as a friend, but I love you. Just don't say bad things about him okay. He's a good kid" she was now sitting on my lap.

"If you say so" I say before kissing her.

Levi's P.O.V

It was now the next day and still in the early hours of the morning but I still got up, got dressed and go to my office to do some work before breakfast.

It wasn't long before shitty glasses brust into my office, without knocking might I add.

"What do you want Hanji" I ask with vemon laced in my vocie.

"Since Eren is pregnant you won't get rid of him will you"

"And what if I do"

"He doesn't want to go back, he likes it here, plus he can still work in till it becomes to much for him, plus he can work after the pup is born"

"If that omega has an omega it'll bring shame onto my pack and I will not have that"

"But Alpha there's still a chance it won't be an omega"

"Fine but if it's an omega, I'm killing both of them" I state.

~1 week later~

Eren's P.O.V

It's now been 6 weeks into my pregnancy so around 42 days. I still have 30 more weeks to go. Though I know it's only been 6 weeks but I swear my stomach is already slightly swollen.

Hanji and Petra are trying to get me to eat more in the past week. Something about feeding for two, me being too skinny and me needing energy.

It's only been 6 weeks and I already hate being pregnant and Hanji said that Alpha Rivaille is letting me stay.

"Eren can you do something for me" Petra asks.

"Yes anything for you" I smile at her. Since I've been here I find myself smiling more.

"Can you please take Alpha Levi's tea to hiss office"

"You mean you want me to take the Alphas tea to him" I panic.

"That's right you've never meet our Alpha, trust me he's a good guy"

"Well I do trust your judgment" I take the tray and head to Alpha Rivaille's office. I take a deep breath before knocking on his door.

"Come in" his deep husky voice that sends shivers down my spine yells out from the other side of the door.

"Petra asked me to bring you your cup of tea sir" I keep my head down in respect and place the tray on his desk.

After I placed the tray down I was able to get a wiff of his sent, it was a musky smell with a hint of mint. It over powered me and made me feel weak.

"Your that omega aren't you" his voice was the same as it was when I heard it through the door and yet again it sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to look but I wasn't going to.

"Y-yes sir" I shutter.

"Don't call me sir. You will a dress me as Alpha" my body started to hear up at the sound of his voice. This is bad. I need to leave.

"Yes Alpha"

"So you went and got yourself pregnant" your wrong.

"It's not like I wanted to get pregnant"

"Maybe but you still went out and had sex, I bet you fucked your whole pack, your just a dirty little slut, then you think you can just come here and expect me to let you stay" when he was finished I was crying my eyes out. Petra was wrong. He wasn't nice at all. (just to warn you Levi is mean at the start but the pull gets to him too much and so on)

"Your wrong" I whimper.

"How so?" He questions me.

"I was saving myself for my mate, but father had to ruin that, letting a patrol wolf to do whatever he wanted. I felt disgusted. All I wanted then was my mate to come and rescue me. I wanted my first time to be special" I cry out in frustration.

I look up and meet his gaze and I wish I hadn't. Our eyes lock and my tears stopped from the shock.

Barloc's words ran through my mind over and over "mate, mate, mate, mate, mate" Barloc rants in my head.

I didn't want him to be the one. I wanted some who would be there for me not someone who not that long ago called me a slut.

"N-no" my tears start to fall again. Why him. Out of all the wolves why did it have to be him. I back away and rush out the door.

I run to my bedroom and jump onto my bed as tears kept falling. He's so mean, cruel. Why'd he say those things. He doesn't have the right to say those things.

Plus he's my mate, I bet he somehow knew before I looked him straight in the eye. Mikasa said you can tell by seeing them, smelling them and touching them.

She said the way to really make sure is my looking into their eyes and your wolf will tell you like Barloc told me and when I was in there I could smell him and he could smell me. If he accepted me in anyway he would have come after me buy he didn't.

He doesn't want me, who would. I'm a pathetic omega carrying someone else's child. Of cause he doesn't want me. Plus why would he when he thinks I'm a slut.

I went into my bathroom and grabbed I knife I had taken from the kitchen when I first arrived thinking I would need it. But I've haven't had to use it in till now. I take a few deep breaths.

I press the blade to my wrist and let the physical pain take over my mental pain. His words flash before my eyes and I add another cut. As I do so Barloc tries to get me to stop but I block him out so I couldn't hear him.

The Alphas keep repeating through my head as I add cut after cut. I'm worthless. I kept on living for my mate but he doesn't want me. So then what's there worth living for. I should just die.

Black does formed in my vision and I soon past out from blood loss.

It's okay Erens not gonna die.

Or dose he? Jk

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My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now