Chapter 21

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So this chapter is more of a filler but I still deem it important cause the chapter helps curve the next events.

Jean's P.O.V

I take another look at the note in my hand, reading it once more.

Dear Jean

You made a very bad choice Jean. You should of just done what you were supposed to do. But no, you just had to go and tell them everything. Oh and it's sweet how you said sorry to the omega. You really think he'll truly forgive you for what you've done. You've done to much to be forgiven. Also just so you know, you just put everyone's lives at risk. Sooner or later, people will be dieing, especially your little mate Marco. If you don't bring us Nori, expect to find him dead.

I'm not giving him Nori and I won't drag this pack into war. I'll go over there by myself and save my mate on my own.

It was now mid-night, I haven't gotten any sleep knowing they have my mate. I'm done with thinking, it's time to take action. I'll go over there and get Marco back myself.

I sneak out of the pack house and shift into my smoking brown coloured wolf. I wasn't staying here any longer knowing that my mate could be hurt.

Marco, that beautiful boy. He doesn't deserve this. That innocent boy hasn't done anything. I need to save him, no matter what, even if it costs me my life.

Is this my punishment? Is this karma?
Did raping Eren cost me my own mate. Is the moon goddess punishing me for violating someone else's mate?

I deserve everything that comes my way but not at Marco expenses. Please moon goddess, don't let Marco die, please, he's too innocent.

I felt my wolf run faster making sure the patrol wolves didn't catch me. Marco I'm coming, I'm coming for you so don't give up.

I know that this is a suicide mission buy I wasn't gonna let Marco suffer. I knew what Alpha Jeager was like. He's a cruel man, he tortures and kills the rogues he catches.

I know Alphas hate rogues and that most most rogues are bad news. But I know some are forced to be rogue, that they didn't chose that life style.

Some packs or a group of rogues attack packs and almost slaughter everyone. The survivors can't return and are forced to become rogue.

Sometimes Alphas banish wolves from their pack cause there too weak, or just cause they can, or for whatever reason they have. It's sad but this is what happens in some packs.

After hours of running, Marco never leaving my mind, I finally make it to my packs boarder line. Can I really call this my pack?

No, this is not my pack. I'd rather be rogue then listen to Alpha Jeager. Why have I even stayed in his back for?

Well in till now I didn't have a son, a mate. Now I have Nori and Marco. I guess you could say just meeting them has changed my life.

Knowing I have a mate just makes me want to make him happy. To be good and deserve his love and trust, I want to do what's right.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling. I snap my eyes open and begin to run again heading towards to where they kept the cells.

Since I knew this whole pack land inside and out I knew exactly where they were. I kept my pack fast and careful. I didn't want them to know I was here.

I spotted the clearing up a head so I slowed down. My wolf crouching down as I crept closer, my belly almost touching the ground.

I would of thought there would be guards as I looked in all directions before shifting and grabbing a pair of shorts that the pack hides around this area.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now