Chapter 20

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So some of you want Eren and Levi have stuff before the end of the chapter so I decided their doing it in this chapter.

Recap of where we left off :

I looked down at the now crinkled letter in my hand. I need to think. I need time to think this over.

I opened the door and walked inside, closed the door behind me. What the fuck am I gonna do!!!

Eren's P.O.V

I was currently in Levi's bathroom with my head to the side in front of the mirror. I was staring at the mark on my neck.

I was tracing the letters with my fingers. I love seeing his name on my neck. I was his and he is was mine. The thought made a blush rise onto my checks.

I know he only marked me today but my love for him was grown even more since he did. All my emotions have become stronger, and it's all because of him.

"Eren, what are you doing" I heard Levi call out to be from the bedroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and blushed darkly at the slight of Levi. He was already in bed, with no shirt letting me see his muscular body. His hair slightly still wet from the shower.

"I was just admiring the mark" I whispered.

"The mark I gave you" he smirks as I blush even more, if possible, and nod.

"Come on. It's time to sleep"

I walked over to the bed and climbed in in one of Levi's over-sized shirts. It went down to my mid-thigh and hanged off my shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and brought my back up against his back sending pleasurable sparks up my spine.

I felt his lips press agasint the back of my neck, planting soft gentle kisses before kissing his mark making me let out a soft moan.

He continued to kiss and suck on the mark and my moans grew along with my awaking member.


I could feel the smirk on my skin. He was enjoying himself as he teased me. His hand around my waist was making circles on my skin.

"What is it?" He asked innocently.

"P-please" I didn't know what I was getting myself into. All I knew was that I wanted him. I wanted him so badly.

He pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me. His hands on each side of my face, with one leg in between mine.

"Please what?" He lifted his knee up, brushing it against my now raging member.

"Please. I-I want you" A heavy blush covered my face.

"Anything for my mate" he lend down and captured my lips. I kissed back almost instantly.

His tongue licked my bottom lip and I opened up without hesitation. Our tongues fought for dominance, his clearly winning.

His hands went to the hem of his shirt as he pulled it off my body braking the kiss which we got back too after it was off.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my hands buried in his hair. One of his hands gripped my hip as he pulled away and lifted the other hand to my face, pressing three fingers to my lips.

I took them in my mouth and swirled my tongue around them. Making sure that all three fingers were covered in saliva.

He pulls the fingers away from my mouth and presses one finger at my entrance. I feel my body tense up.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now