Chapter 5

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"I'll think I'll be going now. See you later Levi" her vocie was pained as she left.

I'm sorry Petra but I don't want you. I want my mate.

Mikasa's P.O.V

Today was Eren's 18 birthday and that meant he was locked up in his bedroom.

It's sad really. How wants to spend their birthday lockedup in their bedroom with no food or drink for the day.

Though knowing Eren he'll feel like he deserves it. Because today is not only his birthday but the day of his mother's death.

Eren blames himself for her death but it was his father who killed her. All because Eren was an omega.

It's all his father's fault. Filling his head with lies. Blaming Eren for something he did.

It makes me so mad and frustrated. All I want to do is protect Eren but I can't.

Protecting Eren means going against his father, the Alpha. But that could cause my death.

The only way for me to protect Eren is to not protect him just in till I'm Alpha then I can.

I'll demand that no one will bullie Eren and I'll kick his pathetic excuse of a father out of the pack.

You don't know how much I want to murder that man. No child should have to put up with that.

No father should abuse his son with hateful words or physical abuse. No father should blame their son for the death of his mate and lock him up in his room with nothing to eat or drink.

It's sad really. The things Eren has to put up with and the thing that makes me even sadder is the fact that it's lead Eren to self abuse.

Eren is mentally and physical abusing himself. This is all because of his father.

That man is no father. I still findit hard to believe that this man is our Alpha.

But since it's his 18th birthday and he's practically (is that the right word. I sure hope so😊) a man now. I thought that I could sneak into his room to say happy birthday.

It's almost 9 o'clock at night so hopefully Grisha is in bed or in his office doing work.

But first I'll go get Armin to see if he wants to come say happy birthday to Eren.

Eren's particularly (again is this the right word for it) my brother but sometimes I wonder if it's more than that.

I feel like my feelings are to say it's a brotherly sisterly love but more of a romantic feeling.

But Eren sees me as family and I know that he's not my mate. It's now a year since we've been 17 so I know it's not him.

I rush to Armins home where he lives with his grandfather since his parents were kill in a rogue attack when he was little.

I knocked on his door and his grandfather came and opened it.

"Well hello there Mikasa. Come to see Armin again I see"

"Yes I have. May I come in" I ask polity.

"Or course you can. You don't have to ask Armins in his room"

I walk towards his room and knock on his door.

"Come in" he answers.

I open the door and walk inside his tidy room. He looks up from his desk that he's reading a book on and looks over to me.

"Oh hey Mika. What ya doing" he smiles.

"Eren's 18 today let's go say happy birthday" he then frowns.

"You do know he's locked in his bedroom plus it's dark and he'll be asleep by now. You can always say happy birthday tomorrow"

"But tomorrow isn't his birthday today is. Plus it's better to say happy birthday on your birthday not the next day" I argued.

"Fine you win" Armin gets up and follows me to where Eren lives.

If we walk through the front door his father would surely see or hear us.

A walk over to his window and look up. How the hell are we gonna get up there. I look over to Armin.

"Well you could lift me up. I'll open the window. Hope inside then pull you up" Armin suggested.

"Good idea Ar"

I walk over to him and lift him up onto my shoulders. He stands up on my shoulders because the window was to high.

He opened the window and climbed inside. But as soon as he was inside he popped his head outside.

"He's not here" Armin explains.


Eren's P.O.V

Hanji was looking me over making sure I didn't have any illnesses when Mike walked in.

"I was informed to show you where you'll be staying and I'll will show you where to clean everyday" Mike stated.

"Sorry to me harsh Eren but that's why we brought you. We don't have many hands around the pack house since most of the members around patrolling the tertiary and woman are doing what the men are supposed to be doing, so the place isn't getting clean. That's why your here" Hanji explains for me.

"It sounds better than being locked up or doing nothing" I say simply.

"It's getting late. I'll show you to your room"

I get up and put my shirt on as they watched me intensely. I folded my arms over my chest and put my head down.

"Okay" I say quietly.

I follow Mike to my room and once I was inside I was overwhelmed. The bedroom was absolutely beautiful.

There was a double bed with aqua blue cover and pillows. There was a window on top ofthe bed with dark blue curtains. The walls and carpet were white but the facia and skirting boards were black. (ya know thoughs things that connect the walls to the roof and floor)

There was a dark brown door leading to what a guess was the bathroom on one side and on the other side was double doors.

I walked over to the double doors and opened them to see a empty walk in closet.

I walked over to the single door and opened it to see white tiles, white walls, everything was white. The bathroom had both a shower and bath. A toilet and a huge sink.

The whole bedroom and bathroom was fancy and was way better and bigger than the one at home.

"Is this really my room?" I ask.

"Yes but don't be happy. It's the worse room we have"

"I don't really care. Its way better. Thank you Mike" I say happily. I turn around and smile at Mike.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile"

"That's because theres really nothing to smile about"

"Well I better get going. I'll come get you for breakfast so stay in this room got it"

I nod in response. Mike then leaves and I jump straight into bed. Wow this bed so soft. I love it. I think I might just like it here after all. Well at least the room.

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My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now