Chapter 6

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I think I'll go with my original plan and this chapter will be short. Like real short it's around half the length of the other chapters.



"Well I better get going. I'll come get you for breakfast so stay in this room got it"

I nod in response. Mike then leaves and I jump straight into bed. Wow this bed so soft. I love it. I think I might just like it here after all. Well at least the room.

Eren's P.O.V

I never knew I bed could be so soft and so warm. I don't want to get out but Mike will probably be here soon so I better get up.

I grabbed my bag I had with me and walked over to the walk in closet and hanged up the two dark gree short sleeved shirts and the two dark brown pants.

The closet also had draws in it so I put my two pairs of black socks with my two black underwear.

They were simply clothes but they do. I walk out of the closet and over to the bathroom. I decided I would have a bath since I've never had one before.

I filled the bath with warm. I stripped myself of my clothes and got in.

The water was nice and warm which made me flinch. I was so use to cold showers that I was half expecting it to be cold.

I finally got in and sign in content. If felt real nice to have a warm bath. I quickly washed myself and put on the clothes I took off.

I took a sniff at the shirt and cringed. It smelt awful. But that's to be expected when you don't wash them.

I sat down on my bed and waited for Mike. After about 15 to 20 minutes he had arrived.

"You were waiting? That means you got ready right?"

"Yes I even had a warm bath. I never thought water could be so warm and relaxing" I spoke happily as I walked over to him.

"Then why do you stink?" He held his nose and made a look of disgusted.

"O-oh ah that be my clothes sir. They haven't been washed in awhile" I explain.

"All your clothes?" He questions.


"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute"

He leaves but soon returns with some clothes. He throws me a light green short sleeved shirt, white skinny jeans, white underwear and white socks.

"Get dressed then give me all your clothes so I can wash them" he orders.

I walked into the bathroom and got into the clothes he had given me. I walked back out fully dressed and smelling nice.

"Good you smell better. Let's go have breakfast then I'll show you around and what your doing today"

"I normally don't have breakfast. I'm fat enough as it is. Well dad always says so" his eyes winder before going back to that serious look.

"You are not fat. Your too skinny. You need to eat or you'll get sick or break"

"But father always said I needed to stop eating so much"

"Then your father is a cruel man" Mike says sternly.

"He's a good man. All I'm doing is wasting his time. Eating his food. Making him spend money on me. If I wasn't alive. Dad wouldn't have spent money on me and I wouldn't have killed mother" I say with watery eyes.

"He's broken you"

"What?" I ask.

"He's broken you. Train you to think that. He's messed with your head. Let me guess, because your a omega the Alpha had to kill your mother. Your father shouldn't blame you but the Alpha"

Ha if only he knew that the Alpha is my father. But I wasn't going to tell him. He didn't need to know.

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My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now