// Contract //

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I stared into the skyline. What I had done was.... Perfect.... Or better said, what I will do.

I will prove I don't love Spider-kid. I will give him to my contractor and get money in the process... Nice.

Just need to capture him.


Peter threw on his suit and jumped out his window, very quickly.

He swung for a bit in the day before his Spidey senses tingled. A bullet was coming.

He pulled himself up using the web, getting higher, he shot a web at a building and pulled himself onto the building.

He scanned the area before seeing a curtain someone pointing a sniper rifle at him from a distance.

"Motherfucker..." Peter mumbled to himself as he saw deadpool.

He swung onto the same building.

"What the fuck, Wade?"

"For money... And for personal reasons.."

Peter grunted at Wade as he stood in front of him.

"You're afraid... You're afraid of the little spider... The little me, so you're trying to get rid of him."

"I'm not afraid of anything, so fuck off!"

"Hey, I wasn't the one who shot a bullet at the other."

Wade got pissed off and pulled up his gun, firing.

Peter dodged.

"Just fucking stop moving! I'm trying to kill you!"

"I'm sorry, my spidey sense hates weirdos."

"Oh, that's where you crossed the fucking line, Peter."

"How the fuck do you know my name?!??!"


"What the fuck, Wade?!?"

"Just..." Wade sighed "Just fucking give up, spider-dick."

Peter then shot a web at Wade's gun, pulling it towards him.

"You won't need this."


Peter woke up, his hands tied up above his head.

His mask was off and he was in pain.

"What the.."

He sat there for 2 hours and 33 minutes, trying to find escape routes until the door opened.

"Spiderman... Or should I say Peter Parker."

"Who the fuck are you?!?"

"My name is Jasco Calrosa-"

Jasco looked down and then up at Peter.

"- and you've been hurting my gang and putting them in prison."

Jasco punched Peter in the stomach.

Author'sNote: Sorry guys, I know I should've included the fight scene but I'm terrible at hero fights... Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and want more. Part 2 coming soon.

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