Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't been updating that much! Its easier said than done! Also it's easier to write on a computer instead of a ipod! So yeah!

PS Side Font- Rose's thoughts/memories/dreams


Rose felt a slight breeze lift her hair and a saw a figure walk in. "Ello Rose. I got here as soon as I could." He was slightly out of breath. "You know we have elevators for a reason, Micky." Rose teased.

"Needed a work out, ya know fixing them cars doesn't burn calories as fast as running up ten flights of stairs Rose." Mickey Teased back.

"So getting down to business." Rose started. I've always wanted to say that.

"What'cha grinning about?" Mickey wondered.

"I've always wanted to say that. Never really have! Anyways, I need help with a case. Research which will involve some hacking, can ya manage?" Rose never really told Mickey what she needed.

He stared at Rose for a slight moment before saying, " Mmk, but tell me about the case."

Okay. Weird disease, Coma's, alive. Got it.

"We don't know much about it but what we do know of it is very minimal and strange. Jack found this case." Mickey nodded, waiting for more. "So apparently, patients in London, the only place where we have heard about this happening, are getting ah better. Like, when their symptoms get so severe, no matter what conditions they have, and they are close to dying they go into a coma like thing." Mickey nodded his head as he processed the information.

"Okay, that is a little weird. What has you so interested?" Mickey knew there was more.

"I wasn't finished talking. When the patients go into a coma, or whatever it is, they become perfect in health." Rose recognized the look Mickey wore. "Mickey, no. That's not why. I needed the extra. Plus sitting around isn't my kinda thing. Ya know?" Rose knew she wasn't doing this for some link to The Doctor. That coudn't happen, Rose was trying to move on.

" Ya, a last time you tried sitting still when there was something ah' bout The Doctor you shoved a table and looked into the TARDIS! ..Rose, I just don't want you to get your hopes up and then get let down."

Rose knew Mickey was right and he was just looking out for her. Rose needed to get The Doctor, the magnificent wonderful Doctor, out of her mind. But how! How can I forget about him? Either my heart or mind gets in the way every once in awhile. I just can't. A hand suddenly appeared waving in front of her face. " Yoohoo? Ya there Rose?" He knocked on her forehead teasingly.

Rose swiped away his hand, "Just thinking, sorry. Shall we get to work?" Rose wanted to get her mind off him.

"Um, yeah let's go." Mickey returned to Rose's computer and starting researching away. Minutes passed and nothing turned up. " I can't find anythin' that would hold lots of juicy information without sum hacking." Mickey looked at her face and continued.

" Yeah, um I think you are better without me in here. I'm going to see if I can find any papers about this or newspapers floating around in the files. Call me if you find anything good or find any trouble." With a cheeky smile and that, she was off.

I haven't heard from Jack in quite awhile. Rose took out her cell and the phone started to ring. " I was just about to phone. What did you find?" Rose spoke first, direct.

" I found some even more interesting stuff. Come to my office, will ya?" Jack's American accent played through Rose's ears.

"I'm on my way." She said, flipping her phone shut.

My Dying Wish **UNDERTAKING EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now