Chapter 16

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IM SO MAD. I had finished writing this chapter and I couldn't save it because my interenet was acting weird THEN my computer decided that is was going to update and I lost it all! 

So I'm re writing it and hopefully it will be just as good...



Rose was in a dark place but luckily she spotted a light. She ran towards it and it brought her into the TARDIS, where the Doctor was fumbling with some controls. Rose was so excited, it actually worked! She was back with the Doctor! The Doctor didn't spot her so she spoke up, "Doctor. It's me, i'm back." She said cheerfully. The Doctor didn't take notice and wore a look of sadness. "Doctor, look at me! It's Rose!" She said louder. He didn't respond or look at her. 

He bent his head down, he was full of gloom. "It's just me and you again, old girl." The Doctor said to the TARDIS. Why can't he hear me? What's going on? Rose figured he wasn't going to hear her, she closed her eyes and began to think. 'Doctor, please. I'm here. It's Rose. Just in case you can't hear me, TARDIS It's Rose. Tell the Doctor I'm here. Help me, help him to be able to find me.' 

Rose opened her eyes, the image of the TARDIS and Doctor began to fade and brought back the darkness. "Doctor!" She shouted into the empty void. There was no answer. She was alone. Where am I? This isn't right! I should be with The Doctor. She began to worry. Rose ran desperately to get back to the familiar scene of the TARDIS. Rose ran and ran with that felt like hours.

Rose stopped to get a hold of her breath. She began to feel sick, but she refused to give up. She would find the light again. The more she ran the more her hope began to fade, and the more she  felt sick and drained. "Hello? Doctor! Doctor, Jack, Mickey..anyone!!" She said hoarsely. 

A voice boomed around her from the darkness, "No one is going to find you. You are alone. The Doctor abandoned you. You are stuck in this eternal darkness forever. The Big Bad Wolf isn't so bad anymore." The voice, an unrecognizable one, was trying to discourage her. "Who are you!" Rose asked angrily. "I'm your worst nightmare, I'm the one putting your light out." It hissed. "What do you want?!" She yelled. "That is unimportant." It replied. "Where is the Doctor? What did you do to him?" 

"The Doctor is traveling with his new companions. He is somewhere in the galaxy enjoying his companionship with someone else. Why, did you think he was going to save you? He doesn't want you." It said with a sinister voice. "What are you talking about?" Rose voice broke, but then she steadied it. This thing, this monster wasn't going to win. "The Doctor, he could've kept you. He could've allowed you to travel with him far longer but he dumped you back with a cheap copy of him. The Doctor wanted to get rid of you. All you brought him was despair and troubles. Why would he keep you?" The voice continued to taunt her.

A pain began to spread in her body, she winced at the suddenness. "What..are you doing to me?" She demanded. The voice was gone, it left her with the thoughts of doubt. The sickness and pained doubled, causing her to grow weak. She felt like she was being drained of life. Like someone put a straw in her and sipping up every last drop. I'm the one putting your light out. What was happening to her? The Big Bad Wolf was certainly growing weak. She shook her head rid of the discouraging thoughts, she loved the Doctor and even if he didn't feel the same she would still fight for him. 

"You are wrong." Rose said weakly. She gained more strength to her voice, "You are so terribly wrong." She raised herself of the ground, except there wasn't a ground. She was just floating in the dark void. A figure appeared out of the darkness, it reached a hand to her. It was the Doctor, she grabbed his hand and embraced herself in him. He wrapped his arms around her. She laid her head against his cold chest...and only heard the beating of one heart. She looked to his face, he wore a sad look. "Why, Rose? Why do you always choose him over me?" The sad voice asked her. "John?" She asked surprised. 

"Why didn't you save me? You let me die all alone." His eyes hardened and flamed with hatred. He let her go and began to walk away. "John! No, I would never..please! I'm begging you. I..I love you!" Tears began to spill from her eyes. This isn't what she asked for. She ran to him. He turned around slowly and slapped her. "Don't..don't you dare! You can't even tell me you love me without hesitating! I'll never be good enough for you, will I?" He raised his voice. She stumbled back with shock. When she looked back he was gone. She fell to the floor in tears. 

The voice returned,"Not even he wants you. Rose, no one wants you. No one ever will." It laughed. She let the voice taunt her. Too weak to defend herself. Rose screamed in agony as the pain tripled. She looked at herself in horror. She was aging and growing a gray dull colour, her light was really leaving her. Her life was being sucked from her. Her body was wrinkled and aged, she would be finished off in seconds. Two figures came to her, both Doctors. She stared at them with pleading eyes. They had harshness in theirs, they didn't come to save her. They came to clean up the mess and leftovers. The real-two hearted-Doctor whispered in her ear, "Good riddance." 

Her heart broke. The Doctor really didn't want her. He wasn't going to save her. How could she have been so selfish? She accepted the insults and prepared to die. 

Then she began to glow. Her body returned in colour, she was healing. But how? She was un-aging and growing in strength. The pain was leaving her body. The Doctors stared in horror. "No." She started to say with revenge in her voice as she lefted herself up, "Good riddance to you!!" She shouted and swiped them from existence. Her light was returning, the darkness tried to engulf her and dim the light. A voice came from her mouth that she recognized. "The Big Bad Wolf is back." She smiled.

She closed her eyes and she returned to her normal self. "Do you call that a fight?" The voice laughed. "I'm not afraid of you." Her voice hardened and she clenched her fists. 

Rose appeared back in the TARDIS but the real ,non-evil Doctor was, gone. "Doctor?" Rose asked. A soft lullaby voice rang in her mind. "Bad Wolf. You are temperaily safe, as long as you are in here. Technically you are still in the dark void and I have entered your mind. I have come to warn you, the darkness with try to over power you but the Doctor and I are doing everything in our power to save you. You will be in severe pain for a while but fight it off. You are strong." couldn't be. The TARDIS was communicating with her. The TARDIS sent a wave of calmness over Rose. The the image started to fade. "No! Take me back!" She shouted. She was afraid.

"Back so soon?" The voice rang. "Now it's my turn." Rose knew The Doctor was fighting for her and she would help fight back.  Then suddenly her head started to pound, sending waves of severe pain over her body. Over and over. Her body began to twist and turn. It was torturing her. She screamed in pain. Her heart pounded and felt as though it would explode. Her body contorted, she had no control. Hot tears streamed down her face, the pain never seemed to stop. 

Then her body fell limp, her body was bent in impossible angles. Blood seeped from her body. She was falling through the pit of the darkness. She should be passed out but the harsh cold blooded laugh did not allow such luxury. ""She moaned. 


The Doctor was still by her side. It had been two weeks since the procedure happened. Mickey refused to believe that Rose was still alive. He blamed the Doctor. The Doctor felt as though Jack was starting to believe Mickey. Even he was beginning to believe Mickey. Rose didn't even move, she didn't even breath it seemed. 

The Doctor refused to leave her side until she woke up, he would wait centuries if he had to. He hadn't had any sleep or food either. He just sat, beating himself up and blaming himself for killing Rose. 

He stared at her beautiful pale face. Her eyes opened and she inhaled a deep breath. Her eyes were full of pain and fear. She managed three words before she fell unconscious again.



1539 words in that paragraph^ Just so you know. Please leave feedback on what you thought about this chapter. Thank you.

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