Chapter 12

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Okay so I am getting minimal feedback, which I' m not complaining, but more feedback about the story/character's or anything you like or dislike about the story would be FANTASTIC! To every single person who is reading this, please! That way it makes the writing easier and the a better reading experience for you and other. Ta! 


**Note: Side font means Rose is thinking/remembering/dreaming/reading something (Most of the time.)


Rose, of course, had told Jack everything Jane had revealed to her, as it was required of her job, and now the whole team was about to be on their way to Cardiff with Jane. 


Rose looked down at her phone as the screen lit up with the notification and saw that the message was from Susan.

 "Sorry. I am not feeling well. Can't make it in. :( -Susan"

Susan had seemed fine yesterday. Maybe I should check on her?  Rose knew that they could survive without Susan but it wasn't great to be down one member at the rate this case was going. 

"Jack, Susan can make it in. She is sick, apparently." Rose informed Jack. 

"Well, we will just have to do without her." Jack wore a slight grim face. 

"What's with the face?" Rose asked Jack. 

"I just would rather have Susan here to help, I mean it's better to be a full team for this type of investigation trip."

 "It's only about 2 and a half hours. Besides Jack, we worked perfectly fine before Susan came along. We can handle it, have some faith in us." Rose smiled brightly. 

"I think we're ready to go." Mickey said, approaching them. They all nodded at him and loaded up into the van.

** About 2 1/2 Hours Later **

They slid the black side door to a close and took a look at where they were at. It was an empty field just slightly out of the city borders of Cardiff. 

"I don't see nothing." Mickey was the first to say. 

"Well, it's supposed to be hidden. That's why." Jane said, rolling her eyes. 

"Perhaps you want to show us in?" Jack asked, a bit impatiently.

"We can't just walk up to the entrance, they'd notice us. I have to get in and open up the back way." Jane explained. 

"Where is it?" Mickey asked. 

"The back entrance it just behind the edge of those bushes over there. Make your way around." Jane told them. 

"I mean where exactly are we going? Where is this lab?" Mickey asked, obviously not understanding.

 Jane furthermore rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's an underground lab. Very well hidden from idiots and threats." Jane eyed Mickey, taking notice that he wasn't the brightest bulb. "It may take me a few minutes. So if I don't open the door immediately don't panic..or freak out, okay?" Jane said, trying to make sure that they knew she was on their side. 

" How can we trust you?" Jack asked the question all on their minds. 

"I-i never wanted to be apart of this as soon as I figured what was going on, but I couldn't back out. So now is my chance to get back, and I am going to take it." Jane had a determined look on her face. They didn't have a choice really, so they just nodded in agreement. "I'll see you guys soon. But before I go I need some one to punch me or something. I need to sell it to them." Jane explained. Mickey eagerly volunteered, slapping her before Rose could protest against it. "You slap like a girl," Jane continued, " but it will have to do." She ruffled her hair and put on a act. "See you soon." With that she bolted off. 

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