Lofty Strangers

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'Well Miss Bennet, let's see how brave you are.'

Whatever could he mean by that statement? Mary wondered, but had no time to truly consider it before her father arrived on the scene.

"Good to see you again Mr Bennet" the stranger greeted quickly, with a respectful bow of his head. Mr Bennet seem to pull up abruptly at the man's greeting and Mary could tell from her fathers quizzical expression, he had no idea who this gentleman was, who seem to be acquainted with him.

"Yes.....and good to see you too" Mr Bennet returned, hesitantly, using good manners while still trying to place the fellow. Mary watched the tall gentleman continue the conversation with her father. She noted that where his collar was a little loose, she could see a lump form in his throat as he swallowed. She took this to be nerves at his little deception. He had presumed the man who approached was Mr Bennet, but what if it had in fact been an uncle or a family friend, what would this devilish gentleman have done then.

"I was just saying to Miss Bennet here, how nice it was to see you again and how well you all look" the man said, another lie. Mary was struck with her own nerves and would have happily disappeared into the sage coloured wall she leaned against, if it had been possible. There was noise all about the room. Laughter and music as people entertained each other, so why did Mary feel like all eyes where upon her. She swallowed down the last of the punch in her glass in one swift motion. Surely it was just a matter of time before her father realised that it was all a ruse.

"How long is it since we last met?" Mr Bennet asked diplomatically. A perfect question when trying to recollect an unknown person. The gentleman was quiet for a moment and Mary observed him swallow again, followed by a lick of his lips. She confirmed now that these habits were definitely from nerves, the confidence that had carried him so far in blatantly lying to her father was starting to wane. That crooked smile diminishing the greater the pause. He was quite clearly struggling to invent a suitable pretence for their previous encounter. A wave of nausea hit Mary as she waited for him to answer and it compelled her to take action.

"It was in July!" she blurted out to the surprise of both gentlemen stood in front of her. The stranger's crooked smile swiftly returned at Mary's inclusion to the conversation and he waited patiently for her to continue.

"We all met at the summer ball back at Pemberley. You remember the one father?. It was when Elizabeth insisted on local produce and the wine was a little....stronger than we were used to" The statement came out of her mouth in one breath, the words leaving her throat dry. The gentleman offered his glass of wine after hearing her cough a little and she took it keenly. A blush formed across her cheeks at managing to get herself in such a situation. But the scenario she had used turned out to be perfect to both parties.

"Ah! yes of course" Mr Bennet began, much more relaxed, assuming that it was intoxication that had stopped him remembering the name of the man stood in front of him.

"The beverages at the ball were a little potent, forgive me but many things from that day remain a little fuzzy." Mr Bennet commented.

"I think we all suffered similarly that day. It took me a while to remember where I knew you from, but then I caught sight of Miss Bennet here and recalled her beautiful piano playing" he smiled sweetly at Mary, whose blush grew further across her face. Mr Bennet momentarily choked on a sip of wine at hearing his daughter's musical talents referred to as beautiful, but just assumed it was good gentlemanly behaviour from the young man. They talked for a little while longer about the Pemberley ball, the tall blonde easing in to one lie after another, before Mr Bennet excused himself when he heard his wife's particular voice calling him from across the room.

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