Flowers In Bloom

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Mary felt exhausted as she walked back into the Haworth's home some time in the early evening.

The day had been spent in the company of Anne Haworth and her brother James. The pair were years apart in age, but anyone could tell they were siblings. They had the same raven hair that shone against the sunlight and were similar in height. Anne being two years younger than Mary seemed to find everything in life exciting and although James was much more reserved in his late twenties, she could still see that same pleasure in his eyes, whenever he expressed his thoughts. Mary herself had always been so serious and it seemed a mishmash for her to be friends with such people, but some how it worked.

They had walked to the top of a great hill a few miles from the house. Mary had admired its grandeur since arriving in Lancashire. It seemed to loom on the horizon, casting a shadow over the valleys below. It had taken a good while to reach the summit but the view from the pinnacle had been spectacular . Mary was sure she could see the whole world from that altitude. The chilly wind at the summit had attacked her senses, its constant whirling and whipping threatened to lift all of them from their feet. Mary had never felt so alive feeling her hair whisk around freely in all directions. She had begged her friends to stay there a while to watch the sunset but James was against it , advising of a treacherous descent if they waited until dark before heading back.

Within a few minutes of settling into the carriage for the return journey, Mary had fallen asleep. It seemed the fresh air had sapped her energy and it was a real effort to awaken on arrival at the Haworth's home. She wanted nothing more than to retire to her own bedroom, but the family had prepared a late dinner and it would be seen as bad manners if she were to decline the offer to join the group.

A good hour later Mary emerged back down stairs in a change of gowns, ready to attend the meal. Anne met her by the dining room door. The young girl was still in high spirits and Mary couldn't help but wonder where she got all the energy from. She took Anne's arm and was introduced to a new dinner guest. Mary was seated between her mother and the new acquaintance, Mr Wellfield. She observed the gentleman had good strong features and sat very stiffly at the table. His short brown hair curled slightly at the edges and a slight greying at the temples, revealed his age to be at least his late 30's. Anne had informed Mary upon entering the room, that he was a gentleman of good fortune and owned an estate in the neighbouring county of Yorkshire. She also mentioned that he was a close friend to the Haworth's and often came over for a weekend visit. Mary gathered from their brief conversation, that Anne did not have a bad word to say about him.

She listened to the others talk around the table and refrained from joining the conversation. In her youth Mary had given her opinions freely, but after many years of fighting to be heard against four sisters she had eventually retreated into herself. But after a while of hearing her mother continually gush over Kitty's fortunate engagement, Mary forced herself to converse with the newly acquainted Mr Wellfield. She discovered very quickly that she liked this gentleman. He appeared to be a serious man, who spoke quietly and with purpose. He engaged Mary in philosophical discussions and genuinely seemed interested in what she had to say. She learned that he was a widower with two children and it was very apparent from the way he spoke about his late wife, that there had been a great deal of love in their marriage.

After dinner the family retired to the sitting room, gathering casually around a warm crackling fire. Few candles adorned the room, but not enough to light it fully. The shadows from the flickering flames danced across the faces of her friends and it wasn't long before her earlier tiredness made a reappearance. The hour was slowly getting late, her mother and father had already retreated off to bed along with Mr and Mrs Haworth. Just five remained. Anne, James, Kitty, herself and Mr Wellfield. The heat from the glorious fire was forcing Mary to consider retreating as well but she was reluctant to give up the company of Mr Wellfield, whom she had managed to engage in a discussion on the holy scriptures. A particular favourite of hers.

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