Leaving Lancashire

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Mary Bennet awoke to blurry vision and a sensation of feeling both hot and cold. She could see figures hovering but couldn't make out their features.

"I can not see!" she croaked, a little panic obvious in her voice. A moment later she felt the warm soft hands of Mr Wellfield, as he helped push spectacles up the bridge of her nose, taking care to wrap the ends around her ears. The act brought him into perfect clarity. His calming smile and those somewhat sad eyes, letting her know that she was safe. Mary glanced down at herself, unsure how she came to be lying on a chaise longue in front of a roaring fire.

"W...why am I all wet?" she tentatively enquired, looking at her soaking clothes underneath a thick blanket that had been wrapped tightly around her. The wet clothes were surely the reason she felt so cold and in contrast to the heat from the fire warming one side of her face.

"You fainted by the woods and Langston carried you to the house, but you caught a fair amount of rain on the way" Mr Wellfield informed her. The mention of Alex brought the whole affair flooding back. Her eyes travelled across the room until they fell upon him standing by the door. He was soaked just as she was, that unkempt hair was stuck to his face from the rain and he shivered from the chill of wet clothes. Their eyes met for a brief second, then Alex looked away. Mary could only describe his expression as one of absolute shame.

"I have called for a physician to check on you Miss Bennet, he will be here presently" Mr Wellfield announced.

"Oh no, I am fine, Please do not trouble yourself" Mary implored, mortified at causing such a fuss over something that was her own foolish fault.

"Nonsense, you will stay right here until we have a professional opinion that you are well. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you" he said then got to his feet and walked towards Mr Langston.

"You had better give me your jacket Langston, I'll see if the servants can get it a little more dry before you have to leave" Mr Wellfield said knowing none of his own jackets would fit the tall frame of Alex as a temporary replacement.
Mr Langston followed him into the lobby, but Mary could still just about see them as Mr Wellfield helped peel the wet jacket from his back. It stuck to Alex's white shirt underneath and the forceful tugs caused the shirt to rise a little, giving Mary a glimpse of bare skin underneath.

Oh My!, that made her feel light-headed once more.

"Mary are you feeling unwell again" concerned words came from Anne, who had noted her friends cheeks suddenly grow pale. Mary hadn't even noticed Anne's presence until the moment and she quickly assured her friend she was fine. Anne was holding some clothes for Mary to change into, but Mr Wellfield had insisted they wait until the doctor had been before she could move.

"These are Celia's clothes, she's brought them down for you" Anne said, but Mary looked puzzled and it took her a few moments to remember that Celia was the children's governess. Mary had only met her briefly that morning, shortly after arriving at Greenhill Park. Before Mary had time to talk to Anne any longer, the physician had arrived and brusquely entered the room with Mr Wellfield and Mr Langston in tow. The medical professional wasted no time in poking and prodding Mary, whilst asking her a string of endless questions.

Have you eaten enough today?, Have you done anything over strenuous?, Were you feeling unwell previous to the incident?

Mary shook her head to every question, praying he was not able to work out the real reason for her little episode. With an assessment made, the doctor stood with his back to Mary and directed his conclusions to Mr Wellfield. It annoyed Mary a little that this man did not feel fit to inform her directly about her own health, but there was little she could do.

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