Chapter 10- The Fight

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Hey guys well the 30th of Septemeber was my birthday and i spent the weekend celebrating, so I had to write but here's a twist in the story! Sorry for not uploading for sooo long, dont kill me!

Pic of Kent (her dad)--------->

Hope you like it!


Jade's POV

I wake up to the soft sound of breathing and I know it was Noah. I turn to face and he looked so cute I can't help but give him a kiss. He wakes up instantly and rolled on top of me.

"Noah, you goof, get off me!" I say laughing. "You weigh a ton."

"Thats not very nice Jade" He says kissing me before getting off me and leaving me to get ready. I get up and take a shower then get dressed and head downstairs to make breakfest. Everyone comes down later and the guys, being guys, they dig in. Jesse, suprisingly comes into the house and sits next to me. Later in the day all of us go to the beach and have a good time, thou Jesse wasnt there. Noah comes and picks me up and throws me into the water.

"Noah, I hate you, its so cold."

He laughs then smirks, "Get over it babe its not that bad." My heart flutters when he calls ne babe. "Hey Jade i got to go to see my dad later and im gonna be gone for a day, im sorry that you cant conme but its family business and he doesnt want anyone else coming.

I smile, "Noah its fine but when you get back I want something." I say. He groans and kisses me.

"Yo Noah, Jade its time to go" screams Alex and I sigh.

"Come on Noah lets go.'

When we reach the house we find Jesse waiting on the couch. Noah had left already and I have a bad feeling about later today. Jesse aproches me and drags me out of the house. He is being very secretive when I ask hin where we're going. He never answers.

"Jesse, where the hell are we going?" I ask very annoyed at him. He just smiles at me and continues to walk. The smile he gave me sent chills down my back. He brings me into a forest and my first instinct is to run but he holds on tighter. "Jesse." I ask, getting very scared.

"Were almost there Jade, dont worry."

"Where Jesse?"

"That i cant tell you but you'll find out soon enough."


Noah's POV

"Hey Dad" I say as I walk into he's study. I notice he's bent over doing work.

"Oh, hey son, thanks for coming, I had to warn you that a dark creature has been crawling around the house your staying at but I cant quite figure out what it is."

"Really?, Isabelle said something about Jesse being secretive and she cant read him at all."

"She's a mind reader?, Well thats a releif, and this Jesse, tell me about him"

"well, dad, he's always avoiding sunlight and mostly comes during the night." Then I struck me, "He's a vampire! Shit!"

"Son I need you to get your group away from him and get him to the pack elders, they will take care of him"

"Okay Dad, I'll be back later." I give him a hug and quickly head back to my mate."

Jade's POV

I turn around and notice Jesse not next to me anymore. This must be the bad feeling I had this morning. Then I hear a branch crack behind me and I see Jesse.

"Thank God, you scared me there." Then I notice Jesse doesnt look very good and theres blood in the corner of hs mouth. "Umm, Jesse are you okay?" He walks closer to me and now Im really scared. He moves so quick that I could barely see him and he grabs my neck. His teeth graze it and it sends shivers down my back. Just as he is about to bit me, a wolf knocks Jesse off me and Im sent flying into a tree. The only thing I remember before blacking out is the wolf sending Jesse into trees as well. I feel myself getting lifted into the air and onto a soft fluffy thing. Then I black out.


Who do you think is the mysterious wolf?

Also, did you think Jesse was going to be a Vampire?

Song is Fallen Angels by BVB (Black Veil Brides)


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