Jade Emerald-Searchng for You

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  • Dedicated to Canada

I finally got hold of a computer, but the chapter is sort of short and so are the points of views, because I’m heading back tomorrow and I won’t have internet for another 3 days. Anyway ill try the best I can. Thanks for being do supportive, here’s the next chapter, hope you like it

Picture of Isabelle----->

This chapter is going to feature Isabelle’s, Jades, and Noah’s point of view



Noah's POV

After packing and leaving the house in record time, here I am driving in my Black Saleen S7 Turbo Twist down to Fort Lauderdale, and let me tell you, being alone for 10 hours is not fun. I keep thinking about calling Jade and seeing who the guy was with her this morning. Anyways with the guys here, I so bored, and I didn't even say bye to them. Right on cue, my cell rings and it’s my best friend Anthony.

"Hello." I Say calmly.

"Where the hell are you?" He shouts. "Today’s the tryouts." Crap, there goes my scholarship for football.

"Umm, I can't make it, I'm currently in South Carolina, and sorry to say this but I'm not coming back."

"WHAT?!," He screeches, "Why the hell are you there, and what do you mean not coming back?" He asks.

"Umm, I got kicked out of the pack?, ask my dad." I Say calmly.

"You got kicked out of the pack? And who's going to take over?" God, can he stop asking questions.

"Okay, God, here's the truth, I found my mate and she's human, and you know the council, hates humans, so I left to be with her, even though I have no idea where she is and they would kill her so yeah..." I trail off.

"Wow, jeez man, that sucks." I sigh.

"Ya, think, anyways I got to go, and I hope you make it." I hang up and finish the drive.


I’m skipping the drive through Georgia and Florida, and I'm going straight to when he gets to his beach house, which is down the road by Jade's house, but they have different beaches they go on. Anyway back to the story.


I pull into the drive way and grab my bags and head up. I unlock the door and unpack. I go to the beach and just walk around thinking about Jade, and for a second, I swear I felt her close, but I think that's just because I miss her so much

Jade's POV

I woke up suddenly, after dreaming about Noah and I, and how he fell off a cliff after having an argument with someone. I was breathing heavy, but it calmed after a few minutes. I look down and see Jesse staring at me with concern.

"Are you ok, and why were you screaming 'Noah', the whole time and crying?" He asks. I shake my head and tell him about my dream. I wipe my tears away and look at Jesse. ''OK, who's this Noah dude.’’? He asks looking concerned and a little angry.

''Umm, he's someone i met on the way here and we both have feelings for each other, but I barely do, and i like you more so don't worry, and i think he might be on the way here.'' i say, hoping he understands. He sighs and nods them heads downstairs. ''Jesse, wait!'' I run after him, and see that he's on the couch with Alex and Isabelle. I see him smirk and I glare at him. ''Hey guys, and Jesse, you did that on purpose.'' He laughs and Alex and Isabelle look confused.

''Your face was priceless!'' Jesse says laughing. I walk over to him and punch him in the arm, again. I smile when I see him wince. ''Ouch, god woman, that hurt!'' I laugh.

''That's what you get for messing with me!'' I smile and go to make breakfast, knowing that Alex and Isabelle didn't eat yet. ''What do you guys want to eat.’’?

''Eggs.'' Screamed the 3 of them.  I jump slightly and then got to work, making them. I sigh and finish them and set them on the table.

''Its ready.'' I yell to them, they all rush in and eat the eggs quickly. Then my phone rings and I see that it’s Noah, so I answer it.

''What do you want.'' I ask slightly annoyed.

''To know where you are.'' He says impatiently. I sigh.

''Noah, why do you need to know.'' I say, ''and why should I tell you.''

''Because I have something important to tell you.'' I sigh again.

''What so important that you can’t say it on the phone.'' I ask curiously.

''That I can’t tell you, Jade, just please tell me where you are.'' He sounds like he's begging. Then all of a sudden Jesse grabs the phone out of my hand.

''I’m only going to tell you this once,'' Jesse says,''Leave Jade alone!'' And he hangs up on him.

''Jesse, what the hell!'' I scream and walk away. He runs after me but I brush him off.

''Jade, please, you were getting annoyed and it seemed like you didn’t want to talk to him!'' He said desperatly.

''Fine, just give me my phone.'' I sigh and he hands it over. We then go to the park and just talk and fool around.

Isabelle's POV 

Omg, I don't know if I can hold this secret from Jade any longer, it’s killing me, but I will someday... Anyway, I really hope she gives Noah a chance, yes I know he's a werewolf and that Jade's his mate. If Jade doesn't accept him, he's probably going to be sad the rest of his life or he's going to kill himself. If your wondering how I know this, well if you haven't guessed already, I’m a mind reader and Kate can tell the future, and Jesse, well I’m not sure yet, he keeps it hidden well, so I can't read what he is, and the rest of the group, are humans. I hear Jade's phone ring and I hear Noah on the other line.

''To know where you are.'' I hear Noah say. I silently pray that she tells him, but I perk up when I notice she doesn't. I need to chat with her later. And I also know that Noah is two streets away, so this is good. Except for the fact that Jade likes Jesse, and I don't trust Jesse, but what can I do to stop her from liking Jesse. They come back a few hours later and I turn to Jade.

''Jade, come here a second, would ya.'' I go to the kitchen.

''What.'' Jade asks curiously.

''You should give Noah a chance, he cares about you.'' I say picking out the correct words.

''How do you know he really cares about me.'' She asks quietly.

''Well, he calls you, he wants to know where you are, and he wants to see you personaly not just on the phone, and don't forget, he said he was coming down to florida to find you, thats what I call someone who cares about you Jade, can't you see that and just give him a chance, for once.'' I say softly, hoping she understands and does give him a chance.

She sighs and says,''Fine, but only if he finds me.'' She smiles and I smile. Now I need to find Noah and tell him where Jade is. I mentaly scream.


I hopw this chapter was worth the wait, im so sorry though, please forgive me ( gives the puppy dog look)

Anywho, i hope you like the chapter

Song of the chapter- She will be loved by Maroon 5---->

Question- What do you think Jesse is


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