Murder is not Nice My Friend

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We were in a black SUV driving to my mother’s house. I was in-between Ray and Gerard, Mikey was driving and Frank in the passenger seat next to him. I didn’t want to be near Mikey anytime soon.

I groaned and pressed myself into the seat, hoping that I would just magically evaporate into thin air. Gerard kept on glancing at me every few seconds. “What!?” I finally snapped at Gerard.

He looked shocked at my sudden outburst, “What the fuck have I done that is so bad for you to stare at me like that fuckwit!?”

Gerard and I used to be good friend since I was marrying his brother. It would have been great being even closer. But ever since Mikey left me at the altar, we have drifted apart and I didn’t want to make-up now and ruin the reputation I have gained.

He frowned at me, “what have you done to yourself, Lexie?”

“What have I done!? You should be asking what he done!?” I looked at the back of Mikey’s seat; hopefully my eyes would turn into lasers and kill the son of a bitch!

Mikey raised his hands in defeat.

“Don’t you dare drag me into this Lexie!” he took his eyes off the road and looked at me with fire in his eyes.

“What the fuck! You’re the one that started this!”

Ray finally spoke up, “actually Lexie, you where the one that started this.”

He was right I did start this little fight, or argument. I sighed, “So you want to know what I did to myself?”

I noticed that Frank was silent and was looking at me, like he was scared of me. I poked my tongue out at him.

All of the band members except for Mikey looked my way, “Well I was so hurt that day that I basically stripped myself of the wed-“they all stopped me in mid sentence.

“Please don’t go there” Gerard said.

He was right they all had to go through that before, well except for Mikey.

“Well when I left the venue with my mother chasing me.” I continued, “I went to walk home but I realised that I was half naked and I needed clothes desperately so I went into a store, I noticed I had Mikey’s credit card.” I stopped and looked at Mikey for his reaction. None so far. “I saw an emo girl walk in and I was like I want to be like her. So went and blew all the money on Mikey’s credit card on clothes-“

Mikey screeched to a stop on the side of the road. “What the fuck!?” I yelled at him.

He did not seem to notice what I just said, “You blew, all of my fucking money, on a fucking new wardrobe for your fucking self!”

I smirked, now that was the reaction I was waiting for.

“Yeah! I wouldn’t have if you didn’t leave me at the fucking alter, you dickhead!”

The whole car went silent, as Mikey took it all in and started the car and started driving again.

It was silent for the whole drive to my mother’s house.

Only to find that there was police cars and an ambulance out the front of the house. “What the fuck?” I whispered.

I fumbled with the buckle on my seat belt, trying to get it undone. All of the members of My Chemical Romance were staring at me waiting for my reaction.

“Can someone get this fucking seat belt off of me?” I asked with a yell.

Gerard was the first to act. He un-did the buckle for me and moved so I could get out of the vehicle.

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