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Bryshere pov....

"no, no, no, this isn't right. I-I-I was just talking to her." I said sitting in my house talking to my mom and my sister. "this doesn't make sense. did they find a body?" T said rubbing my back. "n-no they said with a fire like that there would be no evidence left behind." I said. I began grabbing my hair tearing up. "bryshere listen she's gone you have to let that go." My dad said. I jumped up and grabbed his collar. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY SOMTHING LIKE THAT." I said. My mom and T grabbed me back. They were shocked. "I'm not coming back with out Mariaa" I said leaving out. "bry! Bry! stop baby stop" my mom said. "no mom I finally got her I'm not leaving her. I will not loose her." I said getting in my car.

Jacob pov.

"mmm baby I miss this." I said rolling off of Mariaa and getting under the covers. Mariaa was crying quietly. "please take t-this rope off. I-it hurts." she cried "mmm I would but you might try to run from me babe." I said playing with her naked body. "I-I won't" she said. "mmm I don't know about that baby. you'll be okay." I said. she cried more. "w-where's my daughter" she said. "she's in her room with Jr. " I said smiling. I always wanted to say that. " I wanna see her. " she said. I looked at her. "mmm I guess you can see her. I'll get her." I said putting on some sweats. I walked into Nikkole's room I picked her up and brought her back to the room. Nikkole started making noise reaching for mariaa. Mariaa started crying. "now baby don't cry in front of my baby girl." I said kissing her forehead. I laid Nikkole down on the bed and I took the ropes off of Mariaa she got up and held Nikkole hugging her close. "oh baby" she said kissing her head. I was watching her closely. "aye Jacob we gotta go it's time." Justin said. I sighed. she looked at me. "i should tie you back up but I got to go. There is no phones in this house so you can't call no one. You better be he when I get home." I said getting dress. She nodded.

Mariaa pov.

he left. I sighed and started looking around the house holding Nikkole looking for a phone. I'm not dumb I know Jacob has a phone in here I need to get to it so I can call some one. "There's a phone in my room." Jr. said looking at me. "can you lead it to me?"i said. "no..I can't daddy said I'm not to tell you where it is cause he doesn't want you to call anyone." he said. "but I need to get to a phone sweetie it will be our little secret." I said. He sat there and looked at me for a while and nodded and lead to me to the phone. "thank you thank you!" I said. "i'll look out for daddy" Jr. said. I dialed Bryshere's number. he answered on the 3 ring. "hello? listen who ever you are I need to keep this line open-" I cut him "Bry, Bry, Bry please stop it's me! you have to help me!" I said. "mariaa? Baby? you're okay?! where are you? Are you and Nikkole okay?!" he said. "Yes Nikkole is okay! i don't know I don't remember how I got here. all I know is Jacob is behind it all and you have to be careful he is coming out for you!" I said panicking. "baby calm down calm down. I coming for you I tracked your number. can you hold out for 30 days?" he said. "not really but I'll try to." I said. "okay baby girl I'm coming. I'll be there before you know it." he said. "okay." I said beginning to tear up. "baby girl don' t cry... I love you... okay? Ima get you out okay?" he said. "okay. I love you too. please don't leave me alone he will hurt me." I told him "I will not leave you alone babe. " he said I began to smile. "he's coming back!" Jr. said. I nodded. "okay I gotta go I gotta go." I said hanging up. I picked up Nikkole and sat back on the bed in Jacob's room. a few minutes later he came into the room and looked at me. I just held Nikkole close to me. He took her away from me. "hey!" I cried out. "hush" he said. Nikkole began to cry. "did you feed my baby?" he asked. "n-no I was going to." I said. "mhm." he said. He gave her to some guy. " put her in her room we'll feed her after I get done with her mother. " he said. I grew very scared. I am already sore I don't want to go though anything else. I just want to go back home. "can I go home now?!" I asked. "to what home?" he smirked he turned the T.V.

"what do you have for us tonight Jane?" the reporter said. "well we do have report on a recent fire in the San Diego area. A young woman by the name of Mariaa Marie Garcia, 21, and her 5 month old daughter Nikkole Marie Garcia-Perez were not found when the police responded to a call stating that their house were on fire. The fire was so great the firefighters said that if they were in the fire there would be no evidence or trace their bodies left behind. but they aren't certain if they were in the in the house or not-" Jacob turned out the T.V. Tears were flowing down my eyes. " I worked hard for that house!" I said. "aww baby I know, I know but look this house is just like your old one. I did it just the way you would do it." he said.

Bry pov.

"what do you mean she is still alive?" T said. "s-she called me! she told me Jacob was behind this all!" I said packing my bags. "son son this isn't right. you are hearing things." My dad said. "shut up and get out of my house if you are going to doubt me! watch when me and Me and Mariaa get married you will see!" I yelled..


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