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Jacob pov

"Nikki baby girl please hush mama, you don't want to wake mommy up." I said trying to give her her pacifier. she kept crying louder. I pulled over and tried to put her to sleep. It wasn't working. "baby girl please shh shh." I said rocking her.  she started to calm down. Thank the Lord. I put her back into her car seat. I got back into the car and drove off. My phone started to ring. "hello?" I said. "Yo Jay her house is brunt down." Khalil said. I smirked. "good, Is our house ready?" I asked. "yes sir" he said. "good. I'm on my way." I said hanging up. I burnt down her house so that it'll look like she gone so no one will come for her. I also got us a house away from the city. It's not in the woods or nothing. Just far enough where no one can find us. I got the house done just the way Mariaa loves it. I did it like how she always dreamed up. I got baby girl's room done just the way Mariaa would do it. I got Jr's room just the way he would like it. I'm going to get my family back and we're going to be a happy family. "daddy I'm hungry." Jr. said. "hold on little me, we almost home." I said. He nodded and started to watch TV.

I pulled up to the driveway to our house. my boys came out to the car. "Take Jr. and Nikki to the kitchen and get them something to eat." I said getting out. They nodded. I opened mariaa's car door and picked her up. "my baby" I said walking into the house and into our room.  I laid her down on our bed. I picked out some comfortable clothes for her to put on. I got her one of my dress shirts and put that on her. I think she looks the sexiest like that. I tucked her into our bed. she gonna be knocked out for a while. I walked downstairs. "aye bro you sure you did this the right way?" Jason asked. I sighed loudly. This dude always asking questions about my wife like damn. "yes this is the right way." I simply said. he nodded but his ass was still following me. "what do you want Jason?" I asked. "um I need a favor.." he said. I looked at him shocked. One because he never asks for help and he always has a back up plan. "what's going on." I asked. "well My wife, Terri, she cheated on me a few years back. I forgave her for it but now one of the guys she cheated with robbed us cold. I barely have money to feed my son. Now Terri and I are getting ready to have another baby and I don't have anything for my family g, I don 't know what to do." he said looking at me. This is why I thank God for blessing me like he do because through him I can bless my friends. "how long has this been happening?" I asked. "a couple of months." he said. I sighed. " what you need bro?" I asked. "Just a place to stay that's all until I do some more drops and get on my feet." he said. I nodded. "how about this bro I get you a house made just like you like it. No bills no nothing i'll do everything for you. All you have to do is move here with me and my family until the house is done." I said. "Thanks bro, really thank you." he smiled. I smiled and dapped him up. "daddy? I think Mariaa up." Jr said...

Mariaa pov

I looked around scared. I tried to get up but my body was very weak so I fell to the floor. It's like I can't move my body.  "mmm baby why'd you move your gonna hurt yourself." Jacob said picking me up and laying me back to the bed. "what...am...I...doing here?" I said. It seems like with every word I get weaker and weaker. "baby we are a family so we will act like one. You aren't going any where. but anyways baby Jason and terri are moving in with us for a while." he said walking to me. I tried my hardest to move but I couldn't. He climbed on top of me. "stop trying to leave me baby. It's not going to work." he said kissing my neck.

Bry pov.

I was pacing my room, thinking.  How come Mariaa didn't call me back? This isn't like her at all.. I tried calling her over and over. She wasn't answering. "ima go to her house." I said grabbing my keys an d driving over to her house. Once I got to her street I saw lots of people standing outside looking at a house. They were fire trucks and police men everywhere. I began to pray to Lord that everything would be okay. When I got to Mariaa's house I realize that it's was Mariaa's house that was burning. I began to panic I ran out the car and to the house but the police officer stopped me. "sir, sir, sir you cannot go in there!" he said pushing me back. "NO NO I GOT TO GET IN THERE MY GIRLFRIEND AND HER BABY IS IN THERE!" I said trying to get in. "sir telling you by the fire your girlfriend and baby is dead.." he said. My heart stopped.

W-What how can this happened? why this happened. I don't believe it. I don't believe it!


sorry it took me long and sorry it's short>.< It will be longer next time! Love everyone who has voted and commented! and also read! please vote and comment!

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