Breaking all the rules.

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Bryshere pov.

"oh so now you wanna help me?" I said placing my keys on the table and walking to the kitchen grabbing me a juice. "yes. I realized that you deserve to be happy and I know that your in love with Mariaa. She's deserve to be happy with you." Tianna said walking to where I was. "I was so stupid I should have known how much you love her." she said again. hearing her say this makes me warm inside. It makes me happy man my baby gonna love my family. They gonna love her. And if they don't then I don't need that type of negativity in my life. "T thank you. I know Mariaa is going to love you as her little sister." I said smiling. She smiled. "now I have to include you in my plan okay?" I said bringing out a binder that I have created for this. "okay" she nodded.

Next day

Jacob pov.

"baby just stay here for a little while and i'll be back and we'll go to the movies." I said grabbing my jacket. Mariaa started shaking her head. "no you said that once we got up that we can go to the movies and the park." she said looking at me. ugh these mood swings have been killing me lately. Yesterday she had got mad at me because I ate all the ice cream that she didn't even like. She was mad like I sat here and stole something from her. "listen baby I know I'm gonna be fast okay?" I said grabbing my keys and walking to the door. She just shook her head, look at the T.V, and continued rubbing her belly. I sighed. I started walking to her. I kissed her head. "baby please don't be mad at me. I said i'll be fast." I spoke. "I don't want to go anymore, it's okay Jacob" she said walking in the kitchen. man this baby need to come now i'm so tired of this attitude. I walked out and got into my car.  My phone began to ring. I answered. "Are you gonna do it?" Jason said. I sighed. "yeah ima do it." I replied. I began to drive to a house. I parked in the drive-way and walked to the door. I began to knock on the door. shortly after a fine ass, thick girl opened the door. I instantly looked her up and down. "what can I do for you?" she said. I bit my lip a little bit. "well uh my boy told me you need some assistance." I spoke. Like I said before. I'm in love with Mariaa. I love Mariaa's body. I love having sex with Mariaa. But she isn't giving it to me I need this now. "mm yeah I do." she said biting her lip letting me in. I'm sorry baby.

Bryshere pov...

This makes me sick. I can't believe Jacob would sleep with a girl that he don't even know. So disrespectful. "so this is the guy she's dating?" Tianna said looking at the live feed performance Jacob is giving us at T's friends house. "yes this is him, he makes me sick he mistreats her so bad" I sighed. "wow I feel bad for her." T said looking at the feed and back at me "I can't wait till she is with you." she then said.  "me too sis me too" I spoke. "Ahhhhhh daddy" T's friend yelled I shook my head. this is making me sick. "Anyway i'll be right back i'm going to go out for a bit." I said before walking out. I got into my car. I need to check up on my baby. I began driving to Mariaa house. Once I got there I saw her looking out the window repeatedly. She must have been looking for Jacob I mean he did promise to take her to the movies and the park. But now it's too late to go to the park. It's about to be 11:30 pm. I sighed. I don't like seeing babe like this just so sad and lonely. I want to knock on the door but I have to stay back so that this plan can fully work. I turned on the camera that I have set up in the living room so I can see and hear what she's doing.

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