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*Darkness engulfs the studio, when all of a sudden one single spotlight falls onto the hostess playing the opening rifts to Sweet Child O' Mine like a pro - Slash would be proud*

"Hey there everybody and welcome back to a new episode of 2 minutes with. Gosh it feels good to back up on's been a long time hasn't it."

"Anyway enough of my jibber gabber. Today I have a real treat for you, in the form of the reknowned author of the Walkers Book and A Mermaid Tale series...The One, The Only, The NocteLamia101 everyone!"

*audience applauds as she walks onto the stage waving with a beaming smile on her face, before taking a seat across from the hostess*

Hey there and welcome to the show...

How did you come across the Wacky World of Wattpad?

It was about a year ago. I had started writing stories for the fun of writing and to just clear my head a little, when suddenly it occurred to me that it would be great if someone else—other than my friends and my sisters—, could see my work.

I then asked my now ex-best-friend (long story) if she knew any websites and she immediately recommended Wattpad. She had made an account about two months or so ago, and she was so happy when I quickly signed on as well. At first I didn’t really like the website because I thought it was too complicated, but one good day when I was at her house she decided to show me everything  that I needed to know about posting, fanning, etc., and after that I was a real writing machine. It barely took a week and I had gotten addicted to Wattpad, my reads and fans quickly becoming more numerous than hers.

Wow, time sure flies fast when you’re having fun xD.

Aha I know that feeling

Ok so let's get to know you as a person. Tell us five random facts about yourself

-        I’ve probably read every single vampire book out there

-        I speak fluent French

-        I find my big toe too big

-        I would one day like to color my hair purple

-        I promised my mom that I would be a millionaire before I’m twenty (I’ve only got five years left to achieve that goal xD)

Omg that last one there, better get typing quicker then xD Also i'll test you sometime on the vampire book one 

So do you have any favourite books on here and if so which?

I really don’t read a lot on Wattpad; I’m more of a writer and an actual book reader. But since the chat bar was removed (why???!!!!!!)I have made an effort to check out what there is. I’ll be completely honest with you and say that I do enjoy very cute BoyXBoy romantic stories, because for some reason there isn’t any of that on the actual market. And I also like anything that seems real and that I could relate to.

So to answer your question my favorite story is Big Fat Liar and High School Scandal both by xxWhoAteMyCookiexx

You have just signed your warrant for becoming my new bestie aha...I love Cookie Moretti a.k.a xxWhoAteMyCookiexx...When you've got time check out Amyscence as well

Well enough of me fan-girling the show must go on xD

Ok so considering fan fiction has basically abducted Wattpad over the past year and a half (Back in my days fan fiction was rare and you hardly saw them around here on Wattpad and there wasn't a category for them xD). So what is your opinions on fan fiction and do you have a favourite type?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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