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*hostess skateboards onto the stage before falling off and styling it with a front flip xD*

"Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of 2 minutes with..."

"Our special guest for today is none other than the lovely writer of 'Some Roommate' and new book 'Catch me if you dare'...Hooha84 everybody..."

*audience applauds as she walks onto the stage waving*

Hey and welcome to the show...

Hi There.

So what name are you mostly known by?

My name is Victoria but, in the wattpad world, I'm known as hooha84

How did you come across the Wonderful world of Wattpad?

I came across wattpad on my Windows phone one day. I was looking for an application to read books on and I saw wattpad. I downloaded it and then noticed that everyone wrote thier own stories. I decided to give it a shot.

Who inspires you the most when writing?

Everyone that reads my stories. When I first decided to write just to try it out, I never expected anyone to read it. Then I noticed people leaving comments and voting and it really inspired me to keep writing. I probably would've stopped a long time ago if it wasn't for all of my fans.

So out of all your books, which character can you relate to the most?

Umm.. Let me see. I never really thought about that one. Maybe Kalise.

Where did the idea for ‘Catch me if you dare’ come from?

I recently started thinking back to one of the first stories that I read on here. It really had me hooked and it was a step brother type book. I remembered just how popular it was and how I enjoyed reading it myself. I decided to give one a shot.

What is your favourite book here on Wattpad?

My favorite book on wattpad is called "Fear Of Blood" by@AlexCLight It's amazing. It's hard to believe just how into that I get. You should really check it out.

Oooh think i might...Anyway really random question...but if you could own any country in the world which would it, be?

Let me see here. Maybe Canada, because I love wattpad so much and many of my fans seem to be from there. :)

"Ahh good old Canada, without you we wouldnt have Wattpad..."

Lastly do you have any tips for those that are just starting out in the writing scene?

Good luck. Write about what makes you feel good and you get better as you go on. I have learned so much from when I first started out and up until now, that it's crazy. Everyone has their own style of writing and there will always be someone out there that loves it. Don't ever give up. I almost did. Glad that I didn't.

Well thank you for this it’s been a pleasure, wishing you all the best...

Thank you so much for thinking of me for one of your interviews :)

No problem...

"Stay tuned guys for more 2 minutes with..."

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