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*hostess walks on stage waving eccentrically to the audience, before taking a seat*

"Hi everybody my name is Lola and welcome to our first episode of 2 minutes with..."

"For our first 2 minutes with...We will be interviewing wattpad writer Jo_Ries, the bubbly blonde behind 'Seducing Mr Perfect.'"

*Tall blonde walks on stage smiling and waving to the crowd before sitting opposite host*

"Hey and welcome to 2 minutes with...I'm glad you could make it."

My pleasure. I'm so excited to be here.

Ok to begin with, what is the name you mostly like to go by?

Joanna :D But everyone knows me as Jo.

Your Age?


So Jo, how did you find out about Wattpad?

Well, I found out about it through my friend Jade :D (She needed a friend to talk to cause she was a total loner on there)

Out of all the writers on here...Who inspires you the most?

Well, I would be here for ages, but I have to say my main inspiration is XxSkater2Girl16xX  Her books are amazing and I've read every single one of them!

Where did the idea come from for 'Seducing Mr Perfect'?

The idea for my book was quite simple actually. Most authors take forever to think of a plot. I was really into Student/Teacher relationship books and decided I wanted to do one too. That's were the whole idea came from.

If you could choose what you like best, would it be reading or writing?

That's quite tricky, it would have to be Reading. Reason being? Well, I love reading. I love writing too. But I never really have the time to record all my writing, whereas reading, I have plenty of time!

Ok well our times almost up, so for one last question is there any stories on here you would like to recommend to the audience?

I would recommend  you read "Hey Mr Rockstar, Meet Miss Trouble..."

Well thank you for your time and wishing you all the best in your future. By the way I can't wait to read your Mermaid Story 'Pisces' which I hear is coming soon...

I'ts my pleasure, thanks for interviewing me. And yes, hopefully it should be finished for the Watty Awards this year or i might just enter 'SMP'...

*walks off stage waving to crowd*

"Aww well wasn't she just adorable, anyway guys that's all for today's episode so come back tomorrow for another installment of  2 minutes with...Where i will be doing an interview with the amazing Katrocks247.."

"Until we meet again...Peace out guys."

*Hostess does a peace sign before cartwheeling of the stage...*

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