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*host dances on stage belting out Hakuna Matata, before taking a seat*

"Hi everybody, welcome back to 2 minutes with..."

"Do i have a suprise in store for you today..."

Our special guest will be none other than the author of 'Death is my...' Series, and Imagining Frost...Katrocks247, everybody!"

*walks on stage waving a little to the crowd as they applaud before taking a seat*

So what would be the name that you most likely go by?

I go by Kat. Pretty much everyone calls me that except for a few individuals.

How did you come across Wattpad?

I kind of just...found it. I wasn't looking for any websites to post my writing on!

What was the first thing that came to your head when writing the first two ‘Death is my...’ books?

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, jk. Not. I was pretty relieved to take a little break from my writing...then I realized I had other stories to write for.

Out of all your books on Wattpad, Which character do you relate to the most? And why?

I can relate to any of my characters humor and comments about everday things. I like to be super random/wierd by pointing out aspects of life that nobody sees or cares about!!

Ok so really random question but if you had to marry either Danny Worsnop or Oli Sykes, who would you choose?

Well, that was kind of a one-optioned answer becase Danny's pretty chubby these days. Oli is covered in awesome tattoos...I'd love to get in a fight with that man over the stupidest things just to get him to scream at me. LOL. <---forget I ever said that! :D

Is there anyone on here who inspires you?

Nope. I float my own boat.

And last but not least, do you have any Wattpad book recommendations?

Nope. I float my own boat and don't read on Wattpad. Can't stand the text lingo and cliches, sorry. :)

Ok well thanks for that and looking forward to more of your work in the future x

*takes a bow before walking of the stage*

"Awww i'm so glad i got to interview her, wasnt that just awesome...Anyways my lil lovelies stay tuned to 2 minutes with...as there are some more pleasant suprises i have in store for you." :3 x

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