Demon II

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Pushing against the it's chest, i tried to free myself.


I run towards the light. Smiling at the new change in scenery.

But i do not feel complete. Why?

My hand reaching out to grab at the new hope, but it's gone.

Ropes wrapping around me in all different places on my body. Tightening around me to keep me near like a dog on a chain.

A dark chuckle was heard as i fell to my knees. Sobbing my eyes out.

"I guess you still don't know how this works, kid." The demon growled low at me. Upset and mad at me.

Guilt and shame crowded into my body when i made eye contact with his lifeless eyes. Staring deep into my soul.

"You." It shook it's head at me while circling around me. It squatted in front of me and picked/lifted my chin up with it's claws.

"You knew what you were getting yourself into when you requested this. But yet you kept going. After the first attempt, you were successful to get out of it." It sighed.

"It tried to warn you. But you're such a stubborn little mind, hm? After so many failed attempts, it let it happen."

"It felt good yeah?" The Demon questioned me and i nodded in response.

"That's the sad thing. Such a tragic thing can feel like an amazing thing."

"You tried and tried even after it gave you many warnings and signs to stop so you wouldn't be in this state right now."

It grinned and slammed me against the ground.

"But no. You had to go and keep going till you got what you wanted."

It's lifeless eyes stared into mine. Breathing hard as our faces were mere inches apart. A tear rolled down my cheek.


"When you think you've finally gotten rid of me, i come back. And i come back even harder each time. Stop resisting, Love. This is what happens when you want something, even if you know what happens if it does get handed to you. I'm taking what's mine."

"Guess what?" It smirked while i sobbed harder, rocking back and forth.

"You can never get rid of me. I want you now. Your mine and i've come to take what's mine. Not sorry. Your fault, Darling."

The blood in my body was rushing to my face and ears as i gasped for air because of the painful sobs leaving my body.

"You wanna know something else? As i grow, you're gonna grow so alone. Change into a whole another person."

It chuckled and chained me to the small leash it had on me.

"You know what that leads to? Friends leaving. Arguments never ending. Family ashamed and disappointed."

It stopped in front of me and wrapped it's body all around me, settling into my heart.

"All because of you. It's already happening. Don't let anyone stop you."

It whispered into my mind. Writing it in permanent marker. Non-washable kind.

"Don't let anyone get involved unless it's encouragement to continue this. Turn against people who are against it and try to save you. Do what you have to do. Limit what you put inside of you. Remember, i'm watching. Every error and correct thing you do. Don't mess up. Or i will just come back extra harder."

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