Chapter 44

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If there was anything in the world I wanted to do the least at the moment, it would be going to Jimin's house for Thanksgiving... Because now, knowing the truth, would it really be safe for me to get even closer to his friends and family?

But considering the fact that it would be way too lonely for me to spend Thanksgiving by myself along with Jimin, I decided why not? I enjoyed the company of his parents and Taehyung and Jungkook.

Plus, an actual meal for once would be great.

We left our little spot in the woods and began the journey to his house; taking our time getting there, as we did not want to show up early nor fashionably late.

"My mom cooks the best food for Thanksgiving... You've gotta sneak me a plate." Jimin mentioned, poking my side with his finger.

"Of course, I was already planning on doing so."

"You'll love her food too."

"I bet."

"I wonder if any other of my family members will show up."


"I highly doubt it though. They all have their own gatherings as well."


"My parents like to have a huge group over, I don't know, I think they feel it's comforting and more fun this way. Nobody feels left out."

"That must be nice."

"Yoongi, can you stop that?" Jimin stood still in his tracks and I turned around to face him.

"Stop what?"

"You know what." Jimin frowned and my face copied his expression.


"Yoongi, I know what you feel right now is-"

"No, you don't know what I'm feeling right now. We're going through the opposite situations. Let's see, oh right, you're uh, dead. I'm alive. You have parents who give a damn, I don't. The list goes on."

Shit stop talking you idiot.

"I'm sorry okay? I've already said that it's hard for me too."

"I know." I sighed.

"Let's not fight..."


When we arrived at Jimin's, his mom opened up the door with a huge smile on her face before she pulled me in for a hug. It felt like I was going to suffocate before I was released.

"Yoongi's here everyone!" She called back and closed the door behind us. I waved to Taehyung and Jungkook, them mirroring the action back to me. It turns out we arrived fashionably late.

"Mr. Park." I nodded once he approached me, putting out my hand to shake his as usual. But instead of shaking my hand, he pulled me in for a quick hug, patting my back twice.

"Yoongi, so glad that you could join us. Welcome."

"Thank you. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Hopefully he was buying what my face was obviously not selling. But if he seemed to notice anything off about me, he didn't mention it.

Taehyung and Jungkook introduced me to their families and siblings and I returned the favor.

Now that I was there they said they could start serving food.

I hate to be the odd one out but that's exactly what I was all throughout dinner. I didn't participate much in the conversation though Mrs. Park practically tried to drag me into it every couple of minutes. I made sure to sneak Jimin a plate and he thanked me. He didn't say anything about my inactivity like I expected him to, for which I was grateful.

I wasn't in the socializing type of mood.

I just kind of wanted to roll around in my bed, maybe cry a bit, just mope.

It was just one of those times.

Another thing I felt was a huge pang of guilt.

Here I was sitting with Jimin's family, not telling them that their son isn't going to wake up. I, having the full knowledge that Jimin wouldn't wake up, won't tell them this. After all, they'd probably get angry with me.

"Jimin is going to be so mad that he missed out on this dinner. He looks forward to it every year." Mrs. Park chuckled.

"Oh tell me about it." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "If I could list every time he'd brag about the lunch you packed him, kind of like how Yoongi is with our friend Seokjin's food."

Shit. Taehyung included me in conversation.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I grunted.

"You two are obsessed with food."

"Correction: we are obsessed with eating food. There's a difference."

"Oh wow, big whoop." Taehyung rolled his eyes at me. I heard Jungkook laugh and Tae glared at him. My eyes met their hands on top of the table for all to see. Tae's was wrapped around the top of Jungkook's.

I couldn't help but be envious of the two.

I wanted to be able to do that with Jimin.

All the things I wanted but couldn't have... The list only elongating by the second.

I excused myself from the table, making my way into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me, making sure to lock it.

I took out my phone and dialed Hoseok.

I needed to talk.

And so I told him everything from beginning to end as quickly as possible, the complete and absolute truth about Park Jimin and I.


This chapter was short and kind of shit lmao

Ok buttttttt I put out another Yoonmin fanfic called "Sooner".

I'd really appreciate if you'd check that out ^^ Its about the end of the world. Literally.

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