Chapter 2

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*Clara's POV*

            Few days later, I walked back to the carriage house. I walked in and looked at Zoey, saying "Do you know there is an alligator out there running amok!"

Zoey laughed and said "Yes, that's just Burt Reynolds. He is Lavon's pet alligator and my first day here he scared me so bad! It was late and I was screaming, George Tucker ran over to save me."

I giggled and could see that happening in my head then said "Oh that's great! So Zoey where are you from? They are all talking about how you are new around here."

Zoey smiled and said "I came here from New York to work for a year, then I will go back. I am meant to be a cardiothoracic surgeon but before I could get my fellowship I had to do this. Are you staying here in Bluebell or going back? Lavon said you were here from Los Angeles."

I replied "Yeah I will be going back to my life in LA when Brick returns, but I do enjoy coming back and seeing everyone. I need to go unpack my things if you want to come up and help you can" I smiled and walked upstairs, starting to unpack my bags.

I got it looking more like home, it was looking much happier. I flopped down on my bed and started thinking over things looking at the ceiling. I should probably go see Lemon and make plans to hang out sometime. I was brought out of my thoughts, when I heard Zoey call from downstairs. I hollered back asking what she wanted and she said "You want to go out with Lavon, and I? We are going to the Rammer Jammer for a few drinks."

"Sure" I said and I changed quickly, going downstairs to meet her.

We met up with Lavon over at his place and the three of us walked together to the Rammer Jammer. It was really the only place we could go, the only other restaurant was Fancies and it was more...well as the name implies, fancy. You are really bad at explaining things Clara.

I took a seat at the bar with them and we were talking about the things happening in the town of Bluebell. I ordered a drink from Shelly, Wade must not have been working. I couldn't drink too much, I was working my first day tomorrow. I took a sip of my fruity drink when Zoey said something about George and Lemon's wedding, I almost spit that fruity drink on her. Why didn't I know this? We used to be best friends? I knew they were dating when had visited before but I didn't think this.

Lavon looked at me smiling "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost...but honestly it wouldn't surprise me if you did."

I giggled and said "Yeah I am fine just didn't know about that, I didn't even know they were still together."

Zoey smiled and said "Is there a reason they shouldn't be together? Do you know any juicy secrets?"

I laughed, replying "Well no secrets and no there is no reason...I don't see why they couldn't, just didn't think they would make it this long. I wish I had some secrets on them but I don't remember any."

We all laughed and had a pretty good night, I was happy about my first day in Bluebell. I still missed LA but these 6 months might not be too bad. I was excited to be working in the practice and wanted to see George and Lemon tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up there in the carriage house, it was burning up. I got out of bed and walked over to Lavon's house. "Good Morning guys, I got to have a cup of coffee before I can start my day."

They all laughed as I poured myself a cup. "So Clara you like working with Zoey? I think you two will get along much better than Zoey and Brick did." Lavon said.

I smiled, nodding and Zoey said "I think you would be correct there. I just seem to always mess up around that man."

I smiled and was pretty excited to be doing this, it would be a change to what I was doing but it was good. I got ready and went on over into town, I picked up some coffee and on into the practice.

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