Chapter 5

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*Clara's POV*

I heard what Zoe had said but it was the furthest thing on my mind. I knew I could do this, it was what I lived for, what I had done every day in Los Angeles. I was a trauma surgeon and could do this was George Tucker.

What if I mess up and something happens to him...the whole town would hate me. I would be labeled the girl who took Bricks spot and screwed up the town golden boy.

I looked at Zoe and took a deep breath, saying "I can do it here." I start assessing the wound. It was in there pretty deep and I ask for some lidocaine and my scalpel. I held that blade in my hand and immediately mind started rushing to all the possibilities.

What if I mess up or I miss something, I could nick an artery and he would bleed out right here! But Zoe could fix that and it's unlikely you would, Clara Beth. I could make him lose his leg! Yep, it could happen and then he would hate me...Clara Stop-

Zoe was looking at me and I was brought back to reality when she spoke "Clara? You ok?"

*Lemon's POV*

The Turtle Derby had ended and Lavon's turtle Slow Bob had taken the cake. He had earlier in the evening ask if the two of us could be friends, I wanted that I truly did...but it was hard. I was engaged to George and I loved him but I had love for Lavon too...but I don't admit that. So at first this whole idea seemed awful but I had a great night with my new friend.

When I finished getting everything picked up and took off my gloves, walking over to where Lavon was. I smiled at him getting Slow Bob packed up, saying "You know I had fun tonight, Lavon."

He smiled back at me and with a little chuckle, replied "Me too."

I smiled and let out a small giggle "Well, I guess it turns out we can be friends."

There was a few moments of awkward silence where we were just looking at one another. I felt that this wasn't good and just seconds before I thought we were both happy, when Lavon said "Lemon, um...I don't think we can."

That's what I thought, I was expecting something like this and it was why I thought it was bad to begin with "Why not?"

Lavon kept looking at me and I was waiting for him to answer me. After a few moments he said "because I still love you."

Well that was it, the one thing I didn't want him to say. I loved him too but now wasn't the time. I knew from the beginning this friendship would blow up, but after our time tonight I had the tiniest glimmer of hope.

My thoughts were going wild as we stood there just looking at each other. I had so much I wanted to say to him but I couldn't seem to find the words. When I had finally gathered what I needed to say, my phone started to ring.

I answered and said "Hello Addie...What?!" I listened to her talk about George and what was going on. "Okay, thank you Addie." I hung up slipping my phone back into my clutch, looking up at Lavon. "George is hurt, I gotta go!" I walked away from Lavon, worried.

*Clara's POV*

I finished up, bandaging it and was glad it had went flawless like I had hoped it would. "You're all set, maybe you should stay out of trouble George Tucker, Mr. Knight in shining amour all the time." I said and looks over at Zoe.

George smiled and replied "well it seems to me that y'all are always coming to my rescue... I had a very nice time out tonight." He looked over at Zoey and smiled.

Right and she started to say something, Lemon walked in "George! George, sweetheart are you okay?" She rushed over to him as Zoe stepped back to where I was picking up. "Oh my Gosh George!" Lemon said.

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