Chapter 4

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*Clara's POV*

We finished watching Manhattan and we were walking out as George said "I had forgot how much of a love letter to New York that movie was. You must miss it a lot Zoey?"

"Oh all the time, do you ever miss the city?" She said.

George smiled and stopped at an ice cream stand, getting three "At times I do, I mean I loved living in New York. But you can't get skies like this there with all the stars and you for sure don't get 75 degree days is October."

I smiled and got one of the cones from him. "I didn't know you lived in New York for a while. I can't see Lemon ever living there in the city."

Zoey giggled "Yes, Lemon Breeland in New York City I couldn't see it but I didn't think Zoey Hart would ever be in Alabama."

"Yeah Lemon didn't join me in New York and that took a huge toll on our relationship. I was there for a couple years and it was rough, she was waiting on me to come back and I was waiting on her to join me. So I decided to just move back to Bluebell and things seemed to get a little better." George said as we walked through Mobile.

Zoey looked at us "I am surprised to see you all here, figured Lemon would either be with you."

George chuckled "Well Lemon Breeland is not a fan of Manhattan, or the real Manhattan, or Queens, or Brooklyn, or anything to do with New York."

Zoey giggled "Well I know she is not a fan or this New Yorker."

I laughed a little at her remark and could see they did for sure like each other. And you could definitely see Lemon wanted nothing to do with Zoey. I really hoped I didn't come off that way, I don't want her hating me.

George smiled "Anyway Lemon had the big turtle race tonight!" He said doing hand motions to insensate how big.

Zoey started laughing and replied "You say that like it is a completely normal thing. And George why are you not at this fabulous reptile derby?"

He shrugged "Well to say the least, I am not a big fan of turtles. She and I have our differences. Let me buy you ladies a cup of coffee."

Zoey smiled and said "How about a tall glass of wine instead, let's go."

We walked over to a small restaurant and ordered some drinks. "So Zoey, what happened with Judson? I thought you were excited for it." George said as we sat there at one of the outside tables.

Zoey sighed and took a sip of her wine, saying "I was so excited for the date, I was ready for it. But then Addie and Clara, we talking about dates and falling in love at work beforehand and I got nervous about it. So I got there and seen Judson through the window, he looks so nice and so sweet like it could be a real thing. I realized I didn't know how to be in a relationship, I mean when my boyfriend of six years broke up with me I didn't really cry. I am almost 30 and haven't been in a real relationship."

We sat there talking and in a lot of ways I could really relate to Zoe. I don't know the last time I had been in a relationship, there had been a few flings but nothing much. We stayed there a little longer and finished our drinks.

Zoey decided to just ride back into Bluebell with us, instead of the bus, me and her lived together anyway. We all talked on the way back about old memories, things we had heard around town, life in general.

George pulled up in front of the Carriage house and we all got out. I smiled at George and said "I had a really great time tonight."

Zoe then said "Me too and thank you all for bringing me home it really beats the bus."

"My pleasure Zoey and me too Clara Beth thanks for going with me." George said as we heard a lot of yelling and swearing over at Wade's place. The three of us ran across the yard to Wade's house, where Wade and Tansy were on the deck and her fiancé was yelling with a crossbow. Who carries around a crossbow to threaten people with, well I guess I have seen weirder.

"Oh hey guys, now is not the time to hang. We are kind of in the middle of something, this Gentlemen here I think he is gonna kill me now." Wade said looking over at us.

Tansy then said "Cole we weren't going nothing!"

Zoey looked at them with a weird look on her face and ask "What is that thing anyway?"

Tansy said shocked "It's a crossbow! What planet are you from?"

George stepped between him and Wade "Cole I want you to think here, I don't think you are thinking Cole!"

Wade yelled "That's not Cole, its Todd Gainny Jr!"

George looked at him and said loudly with hand motions like he does "Do not listen to him! You look at me! Cole look at me, I am a lawyer and I am here to tell you that what you are about to do is a serious felony, with major jail time. Whatever it is that you think Wade has done, even if he did it. It is not worth it, so you should just hand me the bow and go on."

He looked at us all then sighed and finally handed George the crossbow. Everyone seemed to let out a sigh of relief and I calmed down a little bit, I was internally freaking out. Cole then apologizes and he and Tansey are making jokes about it, how flowers would have worked much better. I thought this was quite bogus, I was feeling panicked.

Zoey then looked at her shocked and said "Seriously?! You are joking now; you are lucky he didn't shoot someone! Lunatic!"

George went to throw the crossbow to the ground when Wade yelled about the safety, just as it hit the ground. Everything happened so fast and no one could stop the bow from going off. The arrow when right into George's leg and he was trying to not scream or freak out, falling onto Wade's deck. "There is an arrow in my leg!!! Oh My Gosh there's a-an arrow in my leg!" George said freaking out.

We all ran over there to him and after we got him calmed down a little bit, helped him up. Zoey called Addie and walked ahead to the practice, while Wade and I helped George get there. We were both holding onto him as he hopped on his good leg. You could tell how much pain he was in, by his breathing. I felt really bad for him I really wish this hadn't have happened.

When we got there, Addie was already waiting and helped us with George. After getting him up on the table and he said, with a panicked tone in his voice "I am just gonna lay down here. I can't believe I shot myself with a crossbow, I know how to handle a crossbow."

Zoey smiled a little "hey at least it wasn't my fault this time! Addie go ahead and give him some morphine."

Wade, Tansy, and I were standing there, with concerned looks and Wade said "Are you sure you can do this yourself, Zoey?"

I looked at Zoe and then down at George, and against my better judgement I spit out "or maybe take him to Mobile, to an actual hospital." I don't even know what came over me but it came out.

Everyone gave me and Wade a look and Zoey then said "No Clara we are fine here. And I can handle this Wade! Of course it's you that's married to the psycho with the crossbow wielding fiancé."

After those words left her mouth, her and Wade got into an argument over Tansy and the whole night. He said "hey I am not the Lunatic interested in him! Don't act like this is all my fault!"

Zoey looked at him and laughed a bit "Oh this is all your fault Wade! You are the one married to her!"

Finally George interrupted their back and forth "Guys there is an arrow in my leg!"

Addie said "I'll go call Lemon and let her know what happened." She then left, getting Wade and Tansy to leave the room.

I looked down at George's leg, and how deep it was in there. I then looked up at Zoe and said "Zoey, it's really in there I don't think it getting it out would be real easy. Have you ever worked with arrows?"

Zoey looked down at the arrow and realized that she had only seen a crossbow for the first time today. There wasn't a lot of arrow emergencies in New York, definitely not in the cardio thoracic department. "No, not really if you have you can do it and I will follow your lead." She said to me "but we probably need to do something or call out to Mobile one."


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