Chapter 6

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*Clara's POV*

Sitting there eating, I looked up at him and smiled but knew this wasn't my place. This isn't where I wanted to be and I don't think it was his either. Wade was just a good friend...I had never thought about him like this. I thought poking my food. Any girl would be lucky to have Wade but I knew there was one girl he needed to be with. And the main thing was that girl was not me.

I looked over at him and smiled "Wade, I thank you for this offer and all but I know this is not what you want. You are like a best friend to me but I know someone who you look at with a sparkle in your eyes. And I have a person I kind of fancy myself too."

He looked at me and said "Oh is that so? And who is this person that apparently makes my eyes sparkle? Huh? Also who is the man that Clara Beth 'fancies' more than Wade Kinsella?"

I smiled at him, getting a little tickled over his comment "Now this conversation isn't even about me so it doesn't matter. As for you, you know exactly who I am talking about and her name rhymes with Moe Bart."

The biggest smile crept up on his face and he let out a chuckle "Oh Clara McCoy you are going to start on that now too?"

I giggled and responded "I am saying this because it is true and to be completely honest I know she likes you also but won't admit it either. I want you to go right now and tell her how you feel and then you can finally be with the woman you know you want to be with."

"Oh that is where this is going? Why I do such a crazy thing like that, I never even said I liked her like that. She is actually really annoying so I don't think I will do your idea but thanks again for your advice. I just want her for sex to be completely honest but for you Clara Beth you should tell that guy you fancy your advice." Wade said with that signature smirk on his face.

I chuckled at him and replied "Well I don't agree with you on that but if you say so Wade Kinsella. As for myself, my situation is a little more complicated that you may know. Anyway I do need to get to the office a work a little bit, bye Wade."

He hollered bye as I smiled and walked out of the Rammer Jammer, thinking about what he had said. Yes, I do want to do it but my situation is a little bit harder than his. Zoe was single and I could tell they both felt the same way even if they wouldn't say it. But the guy I liked came with some setbacks...Oh Clara Beth stop talking to yourself and just go! I thought as I was walking through town. Well they could need me at the office... Zoe might be swamped with some kind of Medical Emergency. Clara what kind of medical emergency could have happened here in Bluebell, with you finding out already. Just go see him!

After fighting with myself the whole walk to the Breeland's house, I had come to the decision to talk to George. I slowly knocked on the door and heard someone that sounded like George say come in and I so hoped he was here alone. I walked in and smiled "Hey, how are you doing today? After your run in with the crossbow yesterday... I still can't believe that actually happened." I giggled and sit down in the sunroom beside him.

George chuckled "Well I am okay since that happened but I can't believe it either! It isn't even a cool story, because the worst part is I shot myself. So what brings you by today?"

I look at him pretending to be offended by his question and gasps "Well do you not want me here George Tucker? I just came to see my best friend in his time of need. And he treats me like this, acting like I can't visit him." I laughed "I just came to hang out, I mean I can if you are busy."

George laughed and said "No I am not busy; I was looking over some papers for work but it can wait. Thank you Clara Beth for stopping by, I seriously have missed you. So what should we do? Did you have an idea? Also are you going to the Pancake Breakfast tomorrow?"

"Yes I plan on going, I hope you are also." I said smiling and started thinking about what we should do. "I've got it! We should play the post-it note game!" He started laughing at my idea and looked at me with an odd look "What kind of game is that?"

I gave him a dirty look and replied "Oh don't you make fun of me, Tucker!" I playfully punched his arm. "I know what I am talking about, I used to play it with kids at the hospital all the time. You got to get a post-it note and write something on it. Then stick it on the other person's head and take turns trying to guess what is on your head. I played a lot of different games with the kids, while working." I smiled and thought back to my times in Los Angeles, working, and pretty much my whole life was there. But in this moment I would pick it all up and move.

I was brought out of my thoughts when he spoke "Okay, let's play it. What do I get if I beat you and win this game? Do I get to know more about your time in Los Angeles?"

I laughed a little and looked at him with a big smile "I don't think you going to win but if you do, then yes that can be your prize. Not a very exciting prize if I do say so myself but I am fine with it. Well let's get playing!" I got some post-its and wrote mine 'Hannah Montana' sticking it on his forehead.

George took the post-it pad and wrote down 'Dragon' and stuck it to mine. I giggled and said "Am I a person?" He shook his head no "So am I am animal?" I said smiling.

He chuckled at me "Yes you are. So am I a person?" I nodded, smiling bigger "okay, am I a boy or a girl?"

I giggled "You are a girl and I think you should try to act mine out." He smiled and starting flapping his arms, growling and for the big finish pretends to breathe fire. I started laughing so hard at him but wasn't even sure what he was trying to do. I finally calmed down enough to say "A-am I some kind of bird?"

He laughed "Oh Clara Beth you are so pitiful at this game! It is something I used to think was real when we were little kids. Come on you got this! And you got to also act mine out."

I giggled, looking at him clueless "Okay I will but it's going to be so bad." I got up and grabbed my phone as a microphone, giggling. I belted out "You get the best of both worlds. Chill it out, take it slow then you rock out the show." I made a complete fool of myself and blush really bad.

He laughed "That was the best thing ever! I'm Hannah Montana right?" I nodded, still laughing too hard to speak. "I told you I would beat you, Clara Beth. So now I do believe it is story time."

"George Honey, I'm back now." Lemon said from the door. At this moment I knew that things would not be as fun. Don't get me wrong me and Lemon used to be best friends, the whole time growing up. But since I had come back to Bluebell, things were different, we were different from who we were. Lemon walked into the sunroom where we were and said "Oh Clara, I didn't know you were stopping by. Do you want something to eat or a drink?"

I smiled at them both and replied "No thank you Lemon, I was just getting ready to leave. I got to run by the practice for a little bit and then going to head on back to the Mayor's Plantation. I will see you two at the pancake breakfast in the morning. " I waved at them both and left going to the office.

The next morning, I walked out to town and seen the crowd that had already gathered for the pancakes. Bluebell never failed to amaze me, with all the quirky things that it does, but I loved it for those things too. I smiled as I walked over and took a seat with Lavon and Zoey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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