Chapter 3

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*Clara's POV*

The next day, the practice was very slow and Zoey's date was today. I and Addie were laughing at her and her making of conversation cards. "Zoey please quit making those!" I said and started looking through the topics she had wrote down.

Addie smiled and started looking also "Zoey you can't be serious with these! Talking to this guy should just come, first dates are so important."

I smiled and handed her cards back "I think Addie and I have the practice under control, you go get ready do this date! I'm so excited for you!"

She smiled and left, as I sit there talking to Addie and treated no more than two patients. I looked at Addie "I'm going to go get coffee, you want a cup?"

"Yes please!" She said, smiling.

I smiled and left, walking over to get a cup of coffee. I seen Wade standing there looking at Tansy and some guy. Man this is getting weirder by the minute. Isn't that his wife?! I thought walking over to him. "Hey Wade, Isn't that your wife?" I said pointing at her, hugging another man.

He chuckled and looked at me "Well I hadn't seen her in a year, she came back to sign those divorce papers Tucker wrote up years ago." he looked over at the guy "But I am getting ready to take all that back if it's for this loser! Like seriously? This guy!"

I smiled at him "Well I can see what you mean by that, but do you really think stopping the divorce will help? I thought you would want to move on from Tansy now."

He sighed "Well yea, but I do care about her and this guy is something she can't do!" he grabbed my hand "Come on! I need to go see Tucker!"

I followed him to George's office and Wade hurried in there "Hey I need those papers back!" He said reaching for them.

"Wade! Why? What do you need them for?" He said, looking shocked.

Wade keep reaching, and said "See Tucker remember that one time in High School when I broke a rib saving you, so now you owe me. Give me the papers!" he grabbed the folder out of George's hand, ripping up the papers.

"I'm not getting the divorce." He said walking out, leaving me there.

Why did he bring me in the first place? I ask myself, standing there. I think we were both in shock but soon reality snapped back. George looked at me and said "Well Clara Beth that was something I wasn't expecting today. Since you are here, would you like to go get a cup of coffee?"

I smiled "Sure! That was actually where I was heading, before seeing Wade." I said as we walked out of the firm.

We got coffee and took a seat outside. I then started laughing and he looked at me "Are you okay? Did I do something funny?" He said

I replied, laughing "Do you remember that time, when we were like 8 and snuck in that old house. Wade had said it was haunted and so we all had to go check it out. The doors were locked, so we climbed through a window that was broken out. Lemon was terrified but I think we all were but didn't admit it."

He started laughing too and said "Yes! We somehow lost Wade. Us three were freaking out about it but really he was just trying to scare us."

I laughed harder just thinking about it, I had pretty much forgot a lot of the fun times here, but they seemed to be coming back. "Yes! We all screamed and but that was nothing to when we actually heard something. Even Wade looked scared and Lemon said she was leaving but didn't. Then we followed you upstairs and up there was even creepier."

I smiled really big and said "Yes I know it really was!" He chuckled "Then I fell through the floor and y'all thought I had died. Lemon was freaking out and Wade was like how are we going to tell his parents! I was just like guys shut up I need help!"

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