Life Threatening Powers

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Unfortunately, their happy times were cut short. Andrew and Fiona had to flee because they got a warning that Death Eaters were coming after them. It all made sense to Serena. She knew it would come to this. They would come after Oliver's family to find out where she was. Andrew and Fiona assured Serena and Oliver that they were going somewhere safe, but the four of them couldn't go together. Serena and Oliver had to flee somewhere else.

They didn't know where they were going; they just knew they were going together. They left in the middle of the night once again. Oliver was leading the way. They didn't have time to discuss where they were going, so he was just making it up as they went along.

Serena clutched her fiancé close to her as the chilled winter wind lashed across her face. She opened her eyes slightly to try and get a better sense of where they were going when something small and white caught her eye. It was coming closer and closer until Serena finally realized it was Blizzard.

"Blizzard!" she yelled.

"What?" shouted Oliver over the whipping wind.

"It's Blizzard and Beaky!" she shouted back. Beaky was trailing up behind Blizzard and then they were following alongside Serena and Oliver. Her heart soared. She was so happy that they were okay.

Serena wasn't sure how long they had been flying, but she was getting nervous when she realized they flying towards London. That was probably the least safe place to be. She couldn't argue with Oliver now because there's no way that they would be able to hear each other. They landed in an abandoned alley near Diagon Alley.

"Oliver, what the hell?" hissed Serena as they touched the ground. "Are you trying to get us caught?"

"Serena, please," he begged. "You need to trust me right now."

Serena inhaled sharply and decided she needed to trust him. The two of them arguing out in the middle of London would do them no good.

"Are we going to Diagon Alley?" she asked as Oliver put his broomstick in her bag.

"Yes," he said. She followed him to the entrance and they both kept their heads down and hoods up so they wouldn't be recognized. Oliver whipped out his wand and tapped the bricks three times and they watched as the brick wall disappeared. Diagon Alley was practically abandoned. It was heartbreaking. Blizzard had perched himself on Serena's shoulder and Beaky did the same to Oliver. Luckily there was no one around otherwise they would have drawn too much attention.

"Where are we going?" whispered Serena.

"Just follow me, and keep quiet."

She scoffed. The old Quidditch Captain comes out once again.

Finally we approached Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Oliver leads me to the back door. He looks around and makes sure that no one has been following or watching them. He knocks a strange rhythm on the door. Moments later Fred Weasley opens the door wearing hideous maroon robes and is beaming at them.

"All right Wood, Carrow?" he asks as he steps aside and lets the two of them enter. He closed the door and locked it behind them.

"Good to see you mate," said Oliver as he pulls Fred into a hug. Serena had forgotten how close he used to be with the twins.

"Carrow," said Fred as he reached out to shake her hand.

"Weasley," she said as she smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Good to see you."

"Where's George?" asked Oliver.

"Upstairs," said Fred. "We've been waiting for you two."

"You have?" asked Serena. What had the three of them been up to? How did he contact them without letting her know?

This is War (The Quidditch Pitch 'Three'quel) An Oliver Wood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now