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a Gif of Laura Being Adorable!

Laura's POV

After I showered I go down stairs and I see a figure on the couch I step closer to it and see a shirtless Ross sleeping on the couch then I see him shiver because this house is freezing since there's a storm out today. I quietly run back up to my room and grab the blanket I slept with. I tip toe back downstairs with the blanket and gently place it over him.

"You care for him" Rocky says and I jump back.

"Rocky you scared me!" I say and he chuckles.

"Do you?" He say and I look down at Ross before looking at Rocky again.

"Yes but he hurt me" I say while walking into the kitchen and Rocky follows.

"Rocky can we not talk about it" I say because I know he's going to bring it up again.

"Sure" He says while sitting on the counter like me and Ross use to do.

"Dude are you crying?" He says and I shake my head while turning around.

"No!" I say while wiping my tears and he turns me around.

"Your crying" He says while poking at me and giving me a sad smile.

"Not" I say and my voice cracks. Then Ross walks into the kitchen.

"Sorry" He says when he sees me and Rocky and walks out. I slide down to the floor and sob really quietly because I know Ross in the other room and I don't want him to hear me crying.

"Hey come on drink some water" Rocky says while handing a glass of water and I drink it slowly because my throat is dry. Then Rocky sits next to me.

"You know that your feelings for me are false right?" Rocky says and I shake my head.

"That’s not true" I say and he nods.

"Yah it is you just miss Ross and I remind you of him that’s why you kiss me and feel something but you have no real feelings towards me" He says and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"But Ross hurt me Rocky...He hurts me so many time. I’m like glass. I crack little by little but I eventually break" I say while holding the glass of water.

"I know but Ross is just really horrible at expressing his feelings especially when it comes to you so that’s why he's always hurting you." Rocky’s in to my hair and I snuggle closer to him.

"He even promised he wasn't gunna hurt but every time he does it worst." I say starting to tear up again.

"I know but I bet you this kissing Carol thing was because we kissed and he felt hurt" Rocky says and I look down.

"You want me to talk to him?" He says and I nod. Then Rocky gets up a kneels in front of me.

"Hey it will be okay I promise" He says and I nod before he stands up and leaves.

-Rocky's POV-

"Hey man" I say while walking into the living room.

"Hey" Ross says weakly and I sit next to him.

"Listen dude I'm not trying to steal your gir-" I start but he cuts me off.

"She's not my girl at least nor aymore" he says and I sigh.

"I'm not trying to steal Laura from you  ...Trust me I love her but more like a little sister" I say while chuckling and Ross looks at me.

"Where are you going with this?" He says and I chuckle again.

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