A.T.B 18

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Ignore mistakes, I'll edit very soon. Enjoy, muah💋

"Carlos?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, Carlos. It's my name baby girl." He said tightening his rough hands around my waist.

"Baby girl? Where are all these names coming from?" I asked jokingly causing him to laugh also.

"Alright chill out." He said lightly chuckling before his facial expression went back to neutral.

I giggled and leaned my head down on chest. I felt some type of satisfaction that I was the one to make C.K not only smile but murmur a subtle chuckle.

The music began to switch up and Young Thug's- F Cancer began to vibe through the club causing everyone to sway side to side and rap alongside the words.

"I see you," C.K said smirking as he watched me uttering the words under my breath.

I giggled and continued to rap the song while turning around so my back was facing him as my ass slowly wined into him.

"Let me take you somewhere real quick," he said grabbing my hand and dragging me off to the back of the club. He opened up a door that said employees only and upon opening it was a staircase. Once reaching the end of the stairs the second floor upon the stairs was set up like a lounge. It was really nice. A pool table set in the middle, two black leather l-shaped sofas going around in a circle and a large flat screen hanging on the wall.

"Are you allowed to be up here?" I asked.

"I would hope so since I own it." He said.

My eyes widened, "You own this club? How is that possible?" I asked suspiciously.

"My uncle passed it down to me." He said dragging me off to a private office area. I heard the door lock and close and I looked back to see him standing there against the door with a smirk on his face.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" I asked.

He shrugged and walked closer to me not uttering a word. He kissed my bare neck running his hand across my stomach before rolling behind me and pressing himself to my back. "You smell good," he whispered.

"Thank you," I mumbled quietly. He let go of me and sat down in the rolling chair seated behind the desk.

"Sit down." He spoke patting his lap. I looked at him bewildered.

"I'm too heavy to be on anyone's lap." I told him.

"Just shut up and sit down." He demanded. I sighed in defeat before I slowly lowered myself on his lap. His arms wrapped around my wide stomach and rubbed on my thighs as I felt him kissing the back of my shoulder.

"You shouldn't be doing that." I mumbled as I rolled my head to the side as the feel of his lips began to creep on the side of my neck.

"Why not?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Messing with a girl like me could ruin your image." I told him.

He chuckled, "Who I associate with didn't start my image and damn sure won't ruin it." He said suddenly standing to his feet hastily with me following.

He quickly turned me so I was facing him and placed me on the desk behind us. "The main difference between us is the fact that you care about people. It's rough out there Rookie and caring about people can get you hurt." He said.

I took what he said into consideration. That meant that all this touching and kissing wasn't because he cared about me or even liked me it was simply for the satisfaction of his sexual needs.

I awkwardly coughed looking away from him. "So what you're doing right now is not considered caring?"

"No," he said simply; "but I can't stop myself from touching you." He continued and with that he leaned forward and captured my lips with him wrapping his strong arms around my back pulling me so close that the front of our bodies were tightly pressed together.

I wrapped my legs around his back and ran my hands through his fade. I abruptly stopped and stared into his eyes, "Why me?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.

"I can't answer that honestly because I just don't know. Now shut up." He demanded before smashing his lips on mine once again. Deciding to give up the fight I began kissing back with force.

I felt his hands run over my thighs and grabbing the end of my dress pulling from under me and over my chest. I gasped as my naked body besides my bra and panties were exposed to him. He ran his hands all over my naked flesh before he made his stop at my breast. I gasped as I felt each cup being pushed down and my breast exposed to his roaming hands. I moaned as his big rough hands massaged my breast with dominance.

Wanting to do a little exploring of my own, I too reached under his shirt and felt his hard abs. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and grabbed my wrist dragging my hand down so it was gripping his manhood. My eyes widened at the feel of another persons anatomy.

"You okay?" He whispered as he kissed me by my ear and down to my neck.

I simply nodded and continued to stroke the largeness in his pants. I felt one of his hands drift so it say on my lap. He gripped my knees and spread them apart.

"Ahha" I moaned out as I felt his hands rub the center of my forbidden desires. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as all these new feelings begin to hit me.

I cried out as my panties were moved to the side and his fingers have now penetrated me. I gripped his shoulders as his speed increased and so did a bubbling feeling in my stomach. All too soon I felt my back arch in ecstasy as loud bangs began to sound on the door.

"What?" C.K shouted as I immediately hopped off the desk and fixed myself up. I stumbled and fell trying to find every peace of clothing.

"There's a problem downstairs that needs your attention boss." A voice sounded from behind the door.

"Alright I'll be done in a minute." He said. We heard the sound of footsteps sound off from the door. Now fully clothed I wrapped my arm around myself and looked at C.K as he fixed his pants and shirt.

He looked at me briefly and turned away. "Once we get downstairs, you and your friends go home."

"Okay, but-"

"-don't but me Rookie, just do as I say and leave it at that." He said unlocking the door an exiting with me following loosely behind him. Once I got back to where the main portion of the club, I went in search of Genesis and Kriss and eventually saw them talking and laughing at the bar.

"Well look who decided to become visible again. We've been looking for you." Genesis said jokingly as I neared them.

"Sorry about that, we'll talk about it later. For now we need to leave, C.K's orders." I told them as there was no too for arguing. We gathered are things and left the club with the incident replaying in the back of my mind.

I know it's short but it's something. I hoped you guys enjoy. I'm trying to build of their relationship I don't want this to be too long of a book but I don't want to speed past it either. I hoped you guys enjoy and also watch out for updates on undercover hoe those should be coming soon. Thanks love you guys. Comment, vote, and follow 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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