Picture of C.K on the side. Vote and Comment so I can update again!
| C H A P T E R 02 |
"Look there goes Fattyiyana." one girl said as I walked down the school hallways with my head down. I didn't think I was all that big. Mom said full figured big bone woman run in the family.
I was a size fifteen going on sixteen. I didn't have a problem with my size as much as I use to when I was younger. I didn't have a pear shape I was more of an apple yet my stomach wasn't all that big.
I was blessed with a nice round behind and a nice pair up top. I wasn't one to flaunt it though. I mostly wore baggy jeans and shirts. I would never be seen in clothes so tight you would think its a second skin. But it wasn't my fat they were looking at, it was my face.
I walked to my locker and sighed as I saw what was written today. 'BEAST' was graffiti in bright red box letters with a brown bear snarling next to it. Who ever did this drawing was creative, I couldn't even lie about that.
I rolled my eyes and opened the locker. Pulling my spray bottle and towel out from the small cubby area so I could wipe the cruel words off. This was a usual thing that happened to me daily and I knew exactly who did it. Jennifer.
She was my best friend in grade school. But, after my accident I cut off all ties with the world. I guess she was offended and decided to make my life a living hell.
I pulled my black hoodie tighter around me suddenly feeling self conscious as I wiped my locker clean. Once I was finished I put everything back inside and gathered the things I needed for my class.
As I turned to walk off, the main double doors were slammed open and 'they' walked in. Everyone knew who they were. They were known as the dope boys in this area. They were very scary but, the one person who frightens me is their leader.
He went by the name of C.K. He was the drug lord, or better know as the 'Capos'. He ran all of Houston hell he ran all of Texas. He wasn't your ordinary drug lord either he was very mysterious. He wasn't the type of guy that was loud and always trying to get anything with two legs in his bed.
He had a dangerous quiet aroma about him. I've never seen him talk as much as his 'minions'. That was one thing that intrigued me about C.K. he was quiet yet dangerous two of the most unlikely oxymoron's.

A Thug's Beast
Ficción GeneralTatyianna only knows pain, from a burn accident, losing her father, and the battle of keeping her mother alive. This plus size beauty is fighting an army all alone. Until she decides to go to the one person she thought she'd never have to encounter...