Tatyianna only knows pain, from a burn accident, losing her father, and the battle of keeping her mother alive. This plus size beauty is fighting an army all alone. Until she decides to go to the one person she thought she'd never have to encounter...
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My mind was unsettling as I watched his hand run itself up and down my wide thick thigh as if it was on a mission to finish a marathon.
I hadn't said a word about anything that he said. All I could do was stare at him as he drove. Was I stupid? To believe that a man who gave a clear warning on his impossibilities to actually love is willingly to give in and be in a relationship and to just accept it. I must be a damn fool.
As I thinking about what he said I quickly snatched his hand off my leg and glared at him. As if he did the impossible.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He said placing both of his hands on the wheel now that it was no longer on my leg.
"You, are what's wrong with me." I told him truthfully.
He sighed and looked at me. "It hasn't even been five minutes and I'm already fucking up." He joked shaking his head.
"This isn't a joke C." I told him. "I want you, but I don't just want part of you." I said truthfully.
"You think I do this with other girls? You see my ass here don't you. So why are you complaining?" He asked. "I've never done this, so you can either take it or leave it."
I sighed and plopped back in the seat and stared out the window deciding not to even speak in his direction anymore. I wanted to believe that his intentions were pure but knowing his performer character it shatters any perspective I could have on him.
"Look, sometimes you don't always need to hear a nigga tell you the right, but instead show you the right things. Keep that in mind fucking with me. I'm down to take a chance on you Tatyi, but they're is a way that we have to go about it." He told me.
I sighed, "What do you mean ways to go about it?" I asked him.
"Well for one, I don't like people in my business. What we do together stays between the two of us." He told me.
Does he want me to be his little secret? I've come too far in accepting who I am to be anyone's secret that they keep hidden. " I refuse to be your secret C.K." I told him twisting my body around so it was no longer in his direction.
"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a don't ask, don't tell situation. If somebody asks what's going on between us then feel the need to answer them, other than that I like my privacy. Especially in this business. Can you understand that?" He asked me gripping my cheeks and turning my head towards him.
I just nodded in defeat understanding where he was coming from in hopes that I was mentally making the right decision involving myself in to his dangerous lifestyle for the sake of my heart.
I glanced in the backseat at Deon and saw her still knocked out. I hate that I had to leave her again to go this budget meeting with C.K.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked me knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Just thinking about my sister and how's she dealing with everything at such a young age. She can't even be around my mom because we can't afford to have her come home. It's just all stressful." I told him.
"She's always going to have you." He told me as his phone rang. He took a look at the number and then answered it.
Once he hung up the phone he made me aware of the budget meeting we were having and made his way back to my house to drop off Deon with Genesis who was reluctant at first.
"Just remember what I told you." He said pulling in front of the building. The dingy building was something that I still could not get use to. It was a big reminder of the sacrifices that I was making to provide for my family.
We walked in with me lingering behind him so we weren't that close. They're were workers and dealers chatting it up and acting savage like as if we weren't about to conduct an important meeting.
I looked up at C.K's face and saw that sinister smirk appear on his face. Then he began to laugh loudly rubbing his hands together. "Why y'all stop? I mean we ain't got business to do so continue doing what the fuck your doing." He told rubbing his chin as he walked through now quiet crowd.
I stayed where I was watching them get themselves in order and go back to work.
"Rookie get in here!" I heard him yell causing me to roll my eyes and hustle towards him as we walked in to his office.
"I'm changing your routine." I heard C.K say as I sat down in the cold metal chair.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.
"I'm taking you out of the streets. You're going to be working on the inside now. I need your eyes watching around for me. I don't know who it is yet, but somebody's been playing with my money." he told me.
"Am I getting paid less? Because I can't afford-"
"You'll be getting paid even more then what you were making out in the streets and you know if you ever need something you can always ask me." he said getting up and walking around the desk leaning on it in front of me.
"Thanks, but I can take care of myself." I told him leaning back and looking away from him.
He sighed, "I have no doubt about that Rookie," he said grabbing me up out of my seat. "But as your man, I feel the need to make sure that taken care of."
I rubbed my hand along his neck and kissed his cheek giving him a prominent smile. Who would've thought I would ever see this side of the one and only C.K.
"Come on." he mumbled grabbing my forearm and leading us outside of the office and towards the board room where people were starting to gather back in. I sat in the back where the meeting was being held and watched this man conduct it like the boss he was.
I was glad to be heading back home from that long meeting. Once the car stopped I prolonged getting out as we stayed inside in a comfortable silence.
"You should get inside." he told me. "I have a present in there waiting for you." he said.
"What kind of present?" I asked curious now.
"Go in and see." he said kissing my lips as I stepped out of the car and raced to the door anxiously. Opening the door I almost fainted from the sight before me.
"Mom!" I yelled out.
This chapter was very dull... But I needed to put something out since its been so long. I'm trying to post every other Sunday. That's my only free day. But I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to check out my new story.