Part 4

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We wondered around the park for about an hour or so. We bought ice cream and played on the swings. We were walking by the pond when the sun started to set.

" I love sunsets," she said. She stopped to watch it and sat on the grass by the pond.

" I've never watched one," I said sitting beside her.

" You've never seen a sunset," she exclaimed. " Now you have to watch."

I sat next to her. I watched the sky turn from blue to pink to yellow to purple. By the time it was over the sky had turned a million different colors. It was getting late and she stood up, yawning.

" Alright pretty adventurer, " I said, scooping her into my arms. " Time for you to go to sleep."

I took her home and put her to sleep. Then I yawned , went home, and went to sleep myself.

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