31. MorMor

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Sherlock was walking towards the canteen where John was waiting on him, together with Ben in the middle of the canteen. He's going to sit together with the guy who was interested in him. John's best friend was interested in John's everything. But John didn't mind at all. Ben didn't know Sherlock before he was interested in him. Weird that Ben was interested in someone he never met before. Maybe he was desperate to date someone?

Sherlock rounded the corner too quickly and bumped into someone.

"Look where you're walking." Sherlock snapped, even it was his own fault, he still won't apology to one of the empty heads of school. Sherlock glanced at the two guys in front of him and froze immediately when he saw Jim standing in front of him. A tall well-muscled man was picking up Jim's books that apparently fell onto the floor. The unknown man laid the books steepled into his own hands and starts to frown furiously at Sherlock.

"Hey freak. Apology to Jim." The guy spat out. Jim turned to glance at the person and smirked and then returned to stare at Sherlock, who was now standing worthless in front of them. Jim cleared his throat.

"Didn't you hear him?" Jim asked with a high pitched voice, sneering as he slowly made movements with his head. Sherlock scoffed and pushed through them. The unknown man laughed loudly, shaking his head and grabbed Sherlock firmly by his collar and pinned him against the locker roughly.

"Do not ignore Jim. Understand?" He said crudely, his face close to Sherlock's. Sherlock shivered as he smelled the guy's horrendous breath. He must have drink coffee and ate something with garlic Sherlock thought as he closed his eyes, swallowing. He isn't in the mood to get beaten up right now.

"It's fine Seb." Jim said as he laid his hands onto Sebastian his shoulder. "We have better things to do right now." Jim informed mildly. Sebastian looked deeply into Jim's eyes for a moment and then nodded stiffly. He gave Sherlock a dead glare and released him. Sherlock sighed in relief and paced away with a soft growl.

"Goodbye Sherlock." Jim said with his typical sing-song voice. Sherlock clenched his teeth, walking as fast as he can. He needs to see his John right now. He needs him. Need to touch him. Those lips. Oh yeees those lips.

Sherlock wandered into the canteen, directly searching for John. His lips perked upwards as he saw John laughing together with his best friend. Sherlock thought that John looked unbelievably cute today. John's eyes were twinkling, those chubby cheeks. His jumper hug his body perfectly. Sherlock surely prefer John's nude upper body. His jumpers are always so itchy, like a swollen sheep.

Sherlock was standing still at the entry, not knowing he did so. He just can't help it. When he's looking at John. He's like in another world.

Like a minute later, Sherlock shook his head and sniffed his nose. He walked towards John's table with a tiny smile but the smile directly widened as John gave him his most beautiful smile. Sherlock had the urge to bent down and kiss John nicely. But he can't. They are in the middle of the canteen. But at the other hand... It's not a secret anymore. But then... he can't. What if John get bullied because of him.

John chuckled as he saw Sherlock thinking. He recognized when Sherlock was thinking. And John knew what he's thinking of. Well, it's obvious since Sherlock glanced at John's lips and then he scanned the canteen over and over in 10 seconds. Lips – Canteen. Lips- Canteen...

"Sherlock. It's fine." John said sweetly, breaking Sherlock's thoughts. Sherlock shook his head, frowning. He gave John a questioned look. "You can kiss me." John smirked. "Not a secret anymore." He added. Ben looked at them with an 'awww' face. Sherlock smiled and laid his backpack beside his seat and bent over and cupped John's face in his hands and kissed him gently. Ben looked away awkwardly.

It's 4pm and school was done. Sherlock was rushing towards the library. He needed to drop off some books he borrowed. On the walk back, the hallway was empty. To Empty... There was no single noise. School was done for 10 minutes and already empty? Weird Sherlock thought. He wheeled the corner and immediately he got pushed against the wall, and the punch came before he could prepare himself. His head slamming against the wall. Another punch came, leaving the taste of blood in his mouth. Sebastian was on him instantly, their faces inches apart, and the smell of coffee and garlic was still present like before.

"Be warned, Holmes." Sebastian growled, and walked away, leaving Sherlock with full of questions. Sherlock wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. What the fuck. He thought.

Sherlock entered his dorm room and saw that John was absent. Well he thought he was. John was just peeing. Sherlock rushed towards his desk and grabbed some tissues and wiped it away. He didn't want John to see him like this. Just when he does so, John opened the bathroom door slowly, rubbing his eyes and suppressing a yawn. He looked over at Sherlock. Sherlock's nose and mouth looked horrible, covered with dry and wet blood. John gasped. This definitely wasn't okay. No one will touch his Sherlock.

"Sherlock? What the hell happened?" John asked with concern, racing over to him.

"Nothing to worry about. I just bumped against the wall." Sherlock said. A tiny cough appeared and that turned into a small choking fit. John frowned, lifting his hand so he can touch Sherlock's nose gently.

"You're lucky that it isn't broken." John said. "What happened, Sherlock?"

"I just told you." Sherlock grumbled.

"Don't lie to me." John hissed. Sherlock rolled his eyes and looked down.

"Sherlock..." John whined slightly.

"Some kid punched me. I don't know who it is, never saw him before." Sherlock half lied. John nodded.

"Go sit down." John said. Sherlock obeyed and walked over to his bed and sank into it slowly waiting on John to return. John returned with a wet cloth. "Does it hurt?" John asked.

"It doesn't." Sherlock sighed in reply. John rolled his eyes and started dabbing around Sherlock's nose. A couple minutes later after Sherlock's face got fully cared. John pulled Sherlock's shirt of. Since it's full of blood splatters of the blood that ran out his nose and mouth. John stood up, pecking Sherlock's head and walked over to the kettle, preparing tea for both.

"I will find him you know." John said quietly as he grabbed two sugars for Sherlock's cup. Sherlock sighed.

"John, no." He said on a serious tone. John swivelled around, frowning.

"What? I won't let him get away with this." John replied, raising his tone.

"John just let it go. Please." Sherlock didn't want John to get involved with those two and surely not with Sebastian. That kid is dangerous. John sighed.

"Fine." He said as he handed him the tea, and sat down beside Sherlock with their fingers entwined.

"Thankyou doctor Watson."

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