32. Showering.

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Sherlock and John were lying in bed. In Sherlock's bed, since you have a better view of the television in Sherlock's bed. Meanwhile John was watching Doctor who, Sherlock fell asleep, resting heavily on John's shoulder.

Sometime later, he awoke. He could feel a hand rubbing circles on his back. It felt good. It took another moment for him to realize that he was lying down in John's arms with a warm, heavy weight settled on top of his body. A blanket. He turned his head, nuzzling on John's chest. He immediately regrets that he had moved, because the hand on his back disappeared. Sherlock whined in its absence.

John flickered his eyes towards Sherlock and smiled at his cuteness. Sherlock smiled when he felt John's hands back on him and then he doze off again.

In the morning, John was woken up by the sound of his alarm going off. He sighed and reached over and pressed the snooze button. He looked at the digital numbers. They read '7:00am' John rolled over and tried to fall back asleep, what succeeded. A few minutes later, it went off again. He groaned loudly and turned it off and got out of bed, stretching his legs and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

Just when John disappeared into the Bathroom, Sherlock jerked his head upwards. Seems like Sherlock also got awoken by the alarm clock but pretended to be asleep. He yawned and stepped out of the bed, walking after John, opening the door he speaks.

"John." Sherlock said solidly, watching as John unbuttons his pajama shirt. John directly swivelled around as he heard Sherlock speaking. John was smiling at him and walked closer to Sherlock to give him a morning kiss.

"Yes?" He asked, taking of his pajama bottoms.

"There is dry blood in my hair." Sherlock said dryly.

"Then wash it out dummy."

"Can I join you?" He asked quietly.

"Hmm, I have to think about that." John smirked as he was standing in front of Sherlock with only his boxers left. He grabbed two towels and threw it on the edge of the shower. John then removed his boxers and raised an eyebrow as he saw Sherlock staring at him with flushed cheeks. Sherlock shook his head, clearing his throat as he looked at the floor awkwardly. John chuckled, walking closer to Sherlock.

"Get your clothes of idiot." He said with a laugh, and pecked Sherlock's lips. Sherlock smiled and did what John said.

He was taking off his pajama, while John stepped into the shower and turned the knob to the hot water setting. He waited for it to heat up and then he stepped in the center, soaking in the hot water. Sherlock was tossing his clothes haphazardly all over the floor as the hot water rund and fills the air with steam. Sherlock then stepped inside the shower and looked over at John, who was now washing his hair with his back directed to Sherlock.

Sherlock laid his hands onto John's waist and turned him around, so they can look each other in the eyes. John cocked an eyebrow and pulled Sherlock closer, under the centre of the spray.

Sherlock moaned contently as the hot water rushed over him. John then grabbed a washcloth and wets it under the shower spray, and pumps out a handful of shampoo, with the color of honey. And damn, it smelled amazing. He pushed Sherlock backwards, out of the water and stands on his tiptoes to reach Sherlock's now soaked hair to wash it.

"That's a long time ago." Sherlock stated as John is washing his hair.

"What?" John asked fondly.

"That someone is washing my hair." He replied with a chuckle.

"Oh... Well get used to it." John sniggered.

"I will." Sherlock replied with a smile.

The shampoo from John smelled so good, that Sherlock recognizes instantly from every time he's kissed the top of John's head. John decided to turn the shampooing into a scalp massage. He worked his fingers in deep, swirling patterns around Sherlock's skull, grinning openly at Sherlock's moaning's.

After a couple minutes the shampoo slid down into Sherlock's eyes.

"Argg John!" He cried out.

"Sorry, Sherlock" He said anxiously, and wipes the shampoo out of his eyes fastly.

Sherlock chuckled at John's concern, pulling John face-to-face.

"It's fine." Sherlock said sweetly as he put his delicate slender fingertips on John's wet chest and pulled John closer, their naked bodies against each other, water dripping down on both of them, between them. They were staring deeply into each other's eyes. Sherlock then leaned in for a kiss.

"Dr. John Hamish Watson." He said, his head touching John's. John blushed and nodded.

"I love you." Sherlock said, locking his lips onto John's again. John smiled through the kiss.

"I love you too." He said softly.

They stayed like this for a couple minutes. Both standing under the centre of the spray. Enjoying each other closely. John then decided that they have to get out of the shower, since they have classes in a couple minutes.

John stepped out of the shower as first and wrapped him in a warm fluffy towel that hung over the edge of the shower. Sherlock then did the same and they were putting on their clothes in silence. After a while, Sherlock spoke up.

"You know John." He started. John turned his face to look at Sherlock. "Mine is bigger." He teased. John couldn't believe what he just heard. He opened his mouth to say something in reply but closed it again. He then walked over to Sherlock closely and slapped his arm loosely.

"Did you stare...?"

"Jep." Sherlock interrupted, popping the p.

Sherlock and John were now ready to go to their first class. They're happy that they were having the same class now. They were walking towards the classroom.

"I think that, Jim kid will be in our class now." John said.


"I wonder...-"


"Yes, Sherlock?"

"Can you promise me one thing?"

"Anything." John said as he and Sherlock stopped walking.

"Stay away from Jim." Sherlock said hesitantly.

"But..." John started.

"John." Sherlock interrupted.

"Fine." He promised with a sigh but smiled at Sherlock.

"Thank you." Sherlock said, and they continue to walk to their first class for today.

When they got near the door of the class, Jim and Sebastian were passing Sherlock and John. Jim knocked into John's shoulder harshly, causing his books to fall from his grip.

"Hey!" John yelled.

Jim turned and looked at John with intimidating eyes, he scanned John and then he smirked and walked into the class.

"Who the hell is that?" John spat out.

"That, my Dear Watson. Is Jim Moriarty."


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