33. Mary vs Sherlock

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They were entering the classroom. Sherlock immediately scanned the room with his eyes, looking and hoping for two empty seats, side by side. So he and John could sit close by each other. Sadly there were only two seats left. One in the front and one in the back. Sherlock perked his head downwards as he heard John sighing. What means that John also found out that they were parted for 4 hours. (Except in the ten minute break at 10;10 am.) Sherlock looked around the classroom and then back at his Bolbi.

"Go sit in the front, John." He half demanded. He didn't want John to sit in the back, because Jim was sitting diagonally behind the seat in the back. Sebastian next to Jim. John nodded with a crooked smile and looked down, searching for Sherlock's hand. He touched Sherlock's fingertips with his own softly and walked away towards the front seat, giving Sherlock a last warm smile.

Sherlock strolled towards the seat with a straight face and settled him down onto the chair. He directly looked over at John, his gaze fixed on the back of his head. Locks of hair standing upright, his hair ruffled. Oops Sherlock thought with a smile plastered on his face. Just before they had left their dorm room. Sherlock pinned John roughly against the wall, and kissed him fervently. It's not because their relationship was public that they could kiss whenever they want. Yes, okay maybe a peck on the lips. But making out in the hallways was inappropriate there and against the rules. And what if any teacher saw them making out? Then it would be obvious if one of the two has to switch from room. And of course that's not something they'd like to happen.

"Good morning love." Jim said cheerfully. Sherlock wasn't sure if Jim was talking to him. Because why would he talk to him. Or why using the word 'love'? But when Sherlock sneaked a sideward look at Jim. He knew these words were directed to him. Jim was staring at Sherlock with a wide smile, his hands clasped together in front of him. Sherlock rolled his eyes and continued looking straight forwards, eyes on John's back. God he's like a hedgehog with the current state of his hair. Should should text John, telling how hilarious he looks right now? Naaaah. Sherlock thought, with a smirk.

"Sherlock... love." Jim said teasingly. Wanting Sherlock to lose his temper. Sebastian looked at Jim with his brows pursed together. Jim calling Sherlock 'love'. Why does he do that? Sebastian must be Jealous of the attention Sherlock gets from Jim. Sherlock doesn't response. Jim snorted and spoke up again.

"Talk to me." He said. Sherlock growled, closing his eyes. "Sherlock..." Jim whined. What the hell Sherlock thought. "Talk to me, love. Or-

"Or what?" Sherlock snapped, as he hastily turned around. "You will make your sidekick beat me up again? I. Don't. Fucking. Care." He paused. "Just leave me alone." He snarled and turned back to look straight forward. Jim's eyes widened and he glanced at Sebastian, who is now looking away innocently.

"You did what?" Jim whispered harshly.

"He deserved it." Sebastian replied quietly.

"Do not touch, him. Without my orders." Jim snapped. Sebastian sighed and nodded stiffly, looking away. "Look at me." Jim demanded. Sebastian turned around, swallowing. Sherlock snorted with a laugh, looking at his book.

"Pay attention!" The teacher yelled at the three of them.

"Oh please." Sherlock murmured to himself.

After the first hour finished. The teacher decided to let the students make a group work. A task about emotions. Stupid but bearable. The teacher wrote the names of the people on paper and cut it out. Like teachers used to do in the elementary School. Then she stood up and mixed the names on her desk and started to say the names loudly. Saying who will be teamed up with each other.

"Gilles and Dylan"

"Molly and Anderson" Anderson growled loudly as he heard his name, murmuring some 'you have to be kidding' words.

"Lisa and Lennart"

Sherlock was hoping that he won't be paired with Jim or Sebastian. He didn't want to sit with any of them. Talk to them. Discuss things. Work together? Sherlock immediately froze as he heard Jim whispering something to Sebastian. He heard something with 'John' in his sentence. Shit Sherlock thought. What if John was stuck with Jim or Seb? This can't happen.

"John with..." Sherlock looked nervously at the teacher. Say Sherlock. Say Sherlock. Say anything except Jim or Seb. He kept repeating this in his head.

"With Mary." The teacher finished her sentence. A sigh of relief escaped Sherlock's cupid bows lips. Now the only bad thing that can happen is that he will be paired with one of the monsters sitting behind him. But as long as John was save. He didn't mind it.

"Lesley with Mabel."

"Janine and Sherlock." Wait what. Who's Janine? Sherlock thought. He never heard that name before. He scanned the classroom, looking for a sign of the girl. And then he saw her. She's fine he thought.

When the teacher explained everyone what they need to do. They all went to sit together. Sherlock greeted Janine with a simple greeting. And so they started working at the task they just got from the teacher. After a couple minutes Sherlock glanced over at John who was now laughing sweetly with Mary. Sherlock frowned. Why was John laughing? He shouldn't be laughing. Sherlock should sit there. Not that pretty blond girl.

"Sherlock are you alright?" Janine asked, briefly looking towards the direction where Sherlock's gaze was fixed on. Sherlock didn't respond. He didn't hear her talking. "Sherlock?" She said, touching his arm to snap him out of his thoughts. What succeeded.

"What?" he said bluntly at the stranger.

"We are supposed to finish this. Remember?" She remembered him. Sherlock hummed, looking up to glance at John briefly and then towards the paper in front of him. Janine sighed.

"You okay?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes." He answered, looking back to John again. Janine rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder to look again. She saw John and Mary laughing. Then suddenly she realized the gossip.

"Is it true?" She whispered.


"What do you think?" She chuckled while rolling with her eyes. Sherlock was looking at her with confusing. "I thought you were smart?" she paused glancing at John. "I mean that. You can't keep your eyes off him." She smirked.

"Oh. Yes." He said dryly.

"Something wrong between you two?"

"No, nothing." Sherlock replied. The problem became quite obvious as Mary laughed for the whole class, her hand lying on John's shoulder. Sherlock's body froze. His face expression straight.

"Awwww." Janine suddenly said. Sherlock frowned at her. "It's Mary. Isn't it?" Sherlock looked at her sternly and snorted, looking away.

"No." He scoffed.

"Mary is a very kind person. She acts like that to everyone. Don't worry about it." She tried to comfort him.

"Yes yes." He said in annoyance, waving a hand in the air.

I have to finish this chapter here. I was planning to write it longer, but I have exams ;_; This fic is so bad for my points. I keep writing instead of studying. It's an addiction D:

Anyways. Thank you for reading so far! xx

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