Day 8: Skype Sex

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Gerard wouldn't consider himself lucky.

Luck just was never on his side, and he had stopped believing in it at a very young age. It was almost as soon after he stopped believing in God, despite his grandparents' strong beliefs in The Man In The Sky. He simply didn't see any logic in a huge human-like being standing up there in the clouds and directing everything and anything that happened in Earth. He just didn't undertand why, if this said 'God' existed, he let all the bad things in the world happen.

So Gerard ceased believing, he stopped referring to himself as a Catholic and started using the term 'atheist'. He also defined himself as bisexual, but that was completely different.

When he stopped being Catholic and going to Church on Sundays at the age of fifteen it was definitely not without disappointed glares from his parents and grandparents.

But he decided there had to be something that did exist. He settled for luck.

A mere half year after trays of food being dumped on top of him, of being pushed around in the hallways, of his favorite comic books or sketch books being torn to pieces by other classmates, of the chub accumulated on his belly and of the pimples that made themselves a home on his chin and cheeks, Gerard decided that no, there was no such thing as luck.

He stopped his dumb '11:11' wishes, and stopped trying to tell himself that hey, maybe the day after would be his 'lucky day'. There was no such thing.

Gerard was eighteen now, and the end of his last year of highschool was right around the corner. He was so ready to leave everyone behind and fly to New York to study Art.

Since he had decided there was no such thing as a God above us looking out for the living and that being 'lucky' or wishes upon a star did not exist, there shouldn't be any reason for him to believe there was 'bad luck', right?

Being slammed into walls 'on accident', being attacked with balls in dodgeball, and seeing most of the lunch food he bought -with his own many- end up either on the floor or on his clothes didn't really help in the 'no bad luck' department.

So Gerard had decided that, in his life, the only thing that existed was bad luck.

He wasn't 'lucky', he was 'bad-lucky' as the boy himself decided to put it. Not that he ever spoke about these thoughts of luck and bad luck aloud.

Bad luck didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself sometimes, of course, he spent nights until five in the morning playing World of Warcraft in his shitty computer, having a great time as always. He cranked up the volume of his stereo whenever he was left alone in the house on a weekend, blasting his music and happily dancing and playing air-guitar.

The bad luck in his life didn't affect his happiness, or his good time.

He still liked to watch his porn from time to time too, and those were moments he thoroughly enjoyed, which didn't involve his bad luck. Well, except that one time when he was sixteen and thought he could sneak in one session under the covers before he had to go to school and his mom entered the room.

Gerard liked his porn like he liked his coffee: hot, raw and just a tad bit homosexual. Because his mug was a High School Music one, and they were all pretty gay.

He would've use the term 'lucky' to express how he felt when he had first found the current porn website he used, but Gerard didn't believe in that shit.

It was called something along the lines of Get There, Get Fast, and had the best category of gay videos Gerard had ever seen. The company seemed to work with permanent porn stars, since the videos were all made by the same hundred people. There was even an option where you could choose from all the porn stars, like click their names and all the videos they ever starred in would come up.

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