Just a Dream...

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(Okay. this chapter is going to be very different from the rest and i promise if you dont like it, it will be the last but i had too. it was in my mind all day and if you like sweet and Fluffy things than this is for yoooh! enjoy and comment more of what you want me to write! Lush you all!)

I couldn't move at all. its as if someone or something was holding me down. i hadn't realized i was in water until i opened my eyes and became aware of the water around me  and began to panic.Wait. i freeze for a moment and take in my surroundings.It was so beautiful, i was in clear blue water and i could see the bottom of the ocean as fish swam beneath me. i felt calm, relaxed. all of a sudden i hear someone call my name. i look up and see my mother smiling,holding out her hand.  i returned her gesture.her hair was floating around her. she was so beautiful, she always has been. people say i get my looks from her. but something was different. she had blonde hair now. But i wasn't paying attention to that. I had missed my mother for so long, just looking at her now, here in front of me, is enough to make me cry. Letting out a joyful,smothered, sob, i reached for her. She grabbed both my hands  and held them as we floated under the water. our shadows displayed on the ocean floor.She pulled me close and hugged me tightly. i held her, never wanting to let go. "I missed you" I mouth. i close my eyes and enjoy being with my mother again. Suddenly, the sound of a bullet made me pull away, and i wish i hadn't. "FAITH!"she let out a drowned scream. Our hands unloosens and we were floating away from one another. i reached out for her, trying to grasp her hand as she did the same. " Not my baby girl! Please!!" her voice echoed in my mind. " Mommy!" i yelled, tears pouring out my eyes. Suddenly i was being pulled up to the surface, but i didn't want to be, all i wanted was mas my mom. to feel her comforting Embrace again. I tried to fight it, tried to reach out for her as she floated to the bottom. "MOMMY!"


"MOMMY!"  a loud shriek boomed through the apartment. Suddenly i was being shook viciously and a loud velvet voice entered my ears. " Faith, Faith wake up, its just a dream. its okay." i opened my tear drenched eyes. "D-death?" he nodded and rubbed my  sweaty head gently. " you were having a bad dream princess." I stilled as i remembered my nightmare. i could feel my eyes swell, tears streamed from my eyes. i want to see my mother. "Death, i want my mom. i want to go home.." he sighed and laid beside me and i instinctively cuddled into his chest. " I know how you feel, i really do, its just not safe yet Faith. you understand why, dont you?" I nodded.  of course he knows how i feel. didn't he have to go through the almost  same thing? " listen cupcake, loosing a mother, is one of the worst things you could ever go through. you loose part of yourself as well. But i promise you...you will see your mother again, and she will be alive and well. " he said. those words alone made me relax. " Now go back to sleep. And no more screaming, thats for other times.." he said in a suggestive tone. I giggled and hit his chest. "Ass hole." The angel of death had his soft moments. behind that hateful shell is a torn, sad, and broken soul, who understands what its like to loose someone all to well.

( I cried writing this chapter! It came to me this morning while i re-read DIMBFF. And i just got this thought. Faith hasn't, and i think wont see her parents in a long time. being  away from you folks is kind of a very sad and depressing thing. any way enough of these tears!! GIMME SOME FUNNY CRACK TO RIGHT!! and tell me what you thought about this chapter. PEACE!)

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