Pictures In The Sky

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     "Prim! We are not looking for Rory!", Fay yells, "That will just get us killed!" "We have too!", I yell back, "There coming for him!" I let hot tears run down my face, "Did they say his name exactly?", Rue asks, she's been so quiet I forgot she was there, "Well, no.", I say guilty, "But I know they were talking about him!" Fay shakes her head, "We have a pact to do what the other two do." "Right.", I look at her, "And that's why you'll come with me." I grab my backpack and knifes as Rue and Fay gawk at me. "What?", Fay calls after me but I'm already dodging trees, "Fine! But wait until morning!" I look at the sky and she's right it's sunset. I slowly head back for the cave.

     "Your impossible.", she whispers staring at me. I don't know what the games have done to me already, I usually ask for help and now I'm the one giving it. The capital's anthem blasted and it's seal glowed in the sky, the pictures of the dead did too. Girl from three. Guy from four. Fay's partner from five, she sighs. Girl and Guy from six. Both again from seven. Both from eight... Girl from nine whom I sall die and then her partner. The girl from ten. I hold my breath as the anthem seals out. He's still alive. I count the numbers on my fingers, twelve dead today. I silently morn the dead but, it's better than Rory being one of them. An other picture in the sky...

"You guys better sleep.", Fay looks like she's been crying, "I'll-", she falters, "I'll take watch." I roll out my sleeping bag and check my wound, it's gotten worse since the bush. I try to treat the medical wound with mint but the deep bleeding flow starts again. I hear something hit the roof, "Can you see what it is?", I ask Fay and she slowly gets up, soon she walks in with two care packages. "One has deep cleaning cut medicine!", she tosses it to me, "The second has food!" I quickly clean and rewrap my bandage, my pain slowly residing. We dine into the basket saving some food for our journey but, that doesn't stop us from having a big meal. We eat rolls, stew, and meat I hope is lam I eat so much I lose my dinner. Soon after Rue and I crawl into our sleeping bags and I drift into a nightmare filled sleep.

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