chapter 16- Matthew

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Its morning and i can smell the rain that fell last night. Its a little steamy but the breeze is beutiful. Waking Aj up before the rest we rush down to the lake, its crytle clear and looks soo clean. It looks so clean i could drink it.
"Come on, lets hope in" he grabs me and pulls my shirt off.
"Hey come on, won't the others see"
"Look its fine they are bound to find out soon, and anyway you know Kyle he will do anything to sleep in" he sounds quit persuasive when he whispers seductively in my ear.
"Yeah, i guess so"

He grabs me and pulls me in tighter for a kiss. I dont stop him but i also dont go in for it either i just kind of let it happen. He pulls my arm and drags me into the water. "Hey have tou ever gone skinny dipping?" he asks
"No why?" He pulls of his boxers and flings them over his head towards the grass. Slowly walking over to me he has this amazing smile on his face and i can see his abs just gleaming in the reflection of the water. This kind of distracts me from any other problems i have.

He finally reaches me and starts to pull my pants down. I dont resist. He throws them next to his and slides his hands up from my butt up to my head, at this point i feel an attraction between him that i have never felt with any girl i have dated in the past.
I kiss him and lean in closer. Wrapping my arms around his neck, i can feel his skin touch mine. I can only imagine how he is feeling right now. His hand slips down my back and grabs my ass to pull me in even tighter towards him, now all of our skin is touching he walks foward pushing me backwards onto the grass. He forces me onto the floor and kisses me all over my neck and chest. I can feel the water rising and falling against my legs, giving me gosebumps. We can hear noises coming from the arcade

"whoa whoa whoa wait thats Kyle and Marisa come on lets get our clothes back on" i plead to him.
"Yeah lets before we get caught"

Walking back to the arcade whilst laughing i think Kyle and Marisa can get the gist of where we were but i let them know just in case.
"Hey sorry we were just at the lake washing up"
"Yeah thats alright we will go later tonight we have alot to do on the disrupters". Kyle says
"Hey i thought you were gonna do it by yourself Marisa" Aj asks, he seems like he is quit surprised when he says so. Although you can tell he likes her, helping her is pretty cute.
Maris is wide awake and looks as fresh as ever, like she had the best biggt sleep ever "Yeah i was but i know you guys wanna get home so Kyle offered to help this morning"
"Oh cool".

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