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*Walks onto stage with a box labeled "Soap"*
*Taps on microphone*
  People piss me the fuck off man. I'm in my second period and the girls at the tables around me are laughing so I pull out my earphone to listen. Well it turns out that they were talking about an autistic girl that just transferred to our school.
  One of the girls said "She is always bothering me and my friends at lunch. She comes to the table and she keeps talking and keeps asking if she can sit down. It's so fucking annoying." Then another girl chimes in with "Yeah same here! When I'm walking down the hallways, she will come up to me and hug me. It's so embarrassing."
  So I'm sitting here listening to this shit thinking about how to murder all of them and then one of them starts talking about how they're gonna let the girl sit with them and then dump food on her.
  Now you guys, I'm usually really easy to get along with. I usually don't get mad often. But when I tell you that I wanted to murder every one of them girls and then kill their parents for raising such a shit child, I mean it with every fiber of my being.
  Stop making fun of disabled people. It's not fucking funny. I swear to god I'll hit you in the face with a fucking truck.
  Have a wonderful fucking day.
*Drops microphone*
*Steps off of soap box*
*Holds up middle fingers*
*Exits stage*

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