Chapter 6 Kidnapped

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Unknown POV

I have watched them be together and it is completely sickening, she is supposed to be mine and only mine. "Sir we are ready to move in" my second in command told me "prepare them for the war" I said.

Takodas POV

"Sir the rogues are attacking us" my beta said to me, "okay kitten you have to hide in my room and make sure you lock the door so no one can get in" she nodded at me worriedly. I went outside and shifted into my wolf my body starting to shake and my bones moving around and my beautiful black fur coat coming out I went down on my four paws and started attacking the rogues. I looked at my beta and noticed he was surrounded by three rogues, but he killed them off pretty quickly so I looked around more and noticed a pack member surrounded I hopped in beside him and helped kill the rogues. After I ripped the throat out of the last rogue I shifted back to look around and asses how many pack members we lost. That's when I noticed a couple of our packs warriors laid dead on the ground. I could feel the worry from my wolf so I focused on what he kept repeating "Check on our mate, something is wrong", I ran up to my bedroom and noticed the door handle had been broken. I searched my whole room and I couldn't find my beautiful kitten anywhere 'she's in trouble her wolf is whimpering to me' my wolf said 'we will find her no matter what' I told him.

Alexis's POV

After Takoda had told me to hide in his room and lock the door behind me I did as I was told, I covered my ears so I couldn't fully hear the whimpering and howling coming from outside. I was worried that my mate would get killed after I just found him. After about half an hour passed I heard and saw the doorknob wiggling vigorously when the door opened there was a dark figure standing there "I found you and now you will be mine" the dark figure said smoothly while walking towards me. I felt a pinch in my neck and then started to see black dots I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't stop them from closing. I woke up in a cell with handcuffs around my wrists and ankles. I tried to look around to see if where I was, but then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. "Well well your finally awake my beautiful" the dark figure said I tried to move up against the wall as much as possible to be as far away as possible from this man, "let me go please" I said lowly and in a pleading voice "I don't think so you are mine and only mine" the man said. He came closer and closer to me "STAND UP!!" he hollered at me, but I was to scared and then I felt a fist connect with my jaw line I whimpered scared even more next I felt him rip my clothes off staring at me taking in every inch of my body while I tried to hide myself. The man got so close to me I could feel his breath on me and then I felt a horrible pain between my legs letting me know he had just entered me and all I could do was freeze while staring straight ahead while wishing I was anywhere, but there. Once he was finished he kicked me in the ribs and picked me up by my throat he then threw me against the wall and I fell to the floor. I brought my hand up to touch the back of my head and that's when I felt a warm substance on my hand and the only thing I could think was blood, black dots started to blurr my vision and the darkness consumed my body once again.

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