Chapter 13 Not Just Another Day!!!

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2 Months later

Alexis' POV

Its been 3 months since finding out I was pregnant I have one more month to go which I am so thankful for I am so tired of being huge, I feel like a whale in all honesty. I thought it would be bad with only one pup, but 3 growing inside of my and of course it's summer time which doesn't help either I have been sweating like crazy and the hormones are so much worse especially my sexual craving for Takoda. He actually had to sleep in his office which didn't last long because I craved him, no needed him, so I went into his office and of course we made love to each other. Right now we are in a diner having a date because Takoda Jr. is hurting so Takoda thought it would be best to get out of the house most importantly the bedroom. "Babe what are you thinking about?" Takoda asked "nothing just enjoying my view of you" I winked at him. He smirked and of course me being me I couldn't help, but instantly start thinking sexual Takoda groaned at me "kitten I can smell your arousal you have to stop" he whispered so only I could hear "I can't I am just really turned on" he chuckled at me and in return a quiet moan slipped my mouth. Takoda looked up at me with dark lust filled eyes thank god is all I can think because at this point my panties are soaked thanks to my gorgeous mate "we need to go I can't control my wolf anymore" "finally" I quietly exclaimed we stood up and went to go pay. Fate being fate when I stood up I felt a warm like stream rush down my legs and then the contractions started and I couldn't help myself, but scream in pain. "It's okay baby calm down and breathe" Takoda said trying to be calm while racing down the road in the car trying to get to the hospital I shot him my best death glare I could even muster up at this point considering the situation I am in "calm down??? you want me to calm down, WELL I FUCKING CAN'T YOU TRY BEING IN MY POSITION AND SOMEONE TELLING YOU TO CALM DOWN" I yelled while my contractions kept coming getting stronger. "We're here I am going to lift you and carry you in" I just nodded my head in agreement at this point I couldn't argue nor did I want to. Once we got in the hospital Dr. James came running "Alpha put her down on the bed" he did as told because he knew it had to happen after he gently put me down they rushed me into a room to give birth. A contraction hit and I couldn't help but squeeze Takodas hand "I AM NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN!!" I screamed at him he just let out a little chuckle I snapped my head directly at him "you just laugh at me?!?! keep going because afterwards I will chop your penis off" I seethed through my gritted teeth "sorry baby, your doing great" he whispered in my ear and kissed my sweaty forehead. Finally after 20 minutes of agonizing pain Dr. James came in and checked to see how far dialated and finally I heard the words I have been waiting for "so who wants to have some pups?" I instantly shot my hand up and he chuckled "okay Luna I need you to bear down and pushed as hard as you can when I say 3 okay?" "okay" "alright 1... 2... 3... push!!" I pushed for all I was worth "okay take a breather" I breathed in a couple times and again "1... 2... 3.... push!!" I pushed yet again "I see the head one more big push" and then I pushed as hard as I could and heard a loud cry "congratulations it's a girl!!" the nurse took my baby girl away and got back to work "okay Luna again two more times and you're done" "yay" (note the sarcasm) "okay Luna 1... 2... 3... push" I pushed so hard it felt like I fully tore from my V to my A. "1... 2... 3... push Luna" I pushed again and heard another cry "its a boy" the nurse said taking my little man and cleaning him up "Luna one more and you can rest" "okay I can do this" I said hopeful and looked at Takoda and caught a glimpse of adoration and awe in his eyes while watching me give birth to our 3 pups I quickly turned my attention back to the matter at hand right now "okay 1... 2.... 3.... push!!!" I pushed trying to get the last baby out. "One more push Luna his head is right here" "okay doc" I said really quickly before bracing myself yet again "1.... 2... 3.... push, push big" the doc said while I kept pushing for the life of me and finally I heard another loud cry "it's a boy" the nurse said. Takoda leaned down and kissed me "I love you so much right now" he whispered "I love you too" I said and kissed him. "Congratulations Alpha, Luna" "thank you so much Dr. James" I said  and gave him an appreciative smile "get some rest you definitely deserve and need it" he smiled "thank you doc" Takoda said speaking up and hugging the doctor really quick and the doc hugged back. I gave Takoda a quick kiss and as soon as I did I laid down and watched him oogle our 3 pups in their little crib/baskets in my hospital room for a couple minutes and sleep instantly consumed me and I really didn't mind because it's all I wanted to do right now after my eventful day.

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