Chapter 7 Getting my kitten back

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Takodas POV

It's been a week since my kitten has been taken away from me and all I could do was hide myself in my study and cry. I haven't slept in 4 days and if I do sleep I only have nightmares. "Alpha we may have found her" my beta said "where at?" I demanded "we followed her scent North a little passed our borders" my beta said once again "round all the warriors and our best fighters we are going to get our Luna back". With that my beta mind-linked everyone and told them, we met outside everyone already shifted into their wolf form so I went behind a tree and stripped and shifted as well, 'lets go get our Luna back' I mind-linked and with that we all started to run together our paws pounding into the ground to pick up more speed if possible. We finally reached where we could see some bricks with vines over them trying to hide them and I could smell my mates beautiful scent. 'Everyone get in position this is going to be a little hard' I mind-linked.

Alexis's POV

"Looks like your Alpha has come to save you" the man said, I was shocked and also relieved, but I was scared I didn't want nothing to happen to Takoda and I could tell the man had noticed my emotions because he turned and chuckled and said "I am going to make sure you never leave me" and with that he turned and left after kicking me in the ribs a couple times and threw me against the wall again and I passed out.

Takodas POV

While fighting the rogues I saw their leader come out of the cave and shifted. We ran at each other and jumped into the air, I landed on him and had him on his back with my paw on top of his heart pushing harder into his chest I could hear him whimper 'finish this he took our mate' my wolf told me and with that I pushed my paw harder into his chest and bit his neck ripping his throat out making sure he was dead. I followed my mates scent into the cave and once I reached her cell I could see her naked on the cave floor with blood surrounding her head and blood coming from between her legs this made my wolf angry. I grabbed ahold of the cell door and ripped it off its hinges 'make sure the pack doctor is ready I am bringing our Luna back and I will be coming fast' I mind-linked my mother. I shifted into my wolf and put my kitten on my back and took off running out of the cave all my pack members were following behind me because they had finished the battle with the rogues all of them dead. I ran all the way to the pack doctor and burst through the doors "set her down on the stretcher, but easily" the doc said. I did as he said and shifted back into my human form I ran back into her room, but was stopped by another doctor "sorry my Alpha, but you cannot go in there" I growled at her, but then my wolf told me 'calm down they are helping her I want in there as much as you do, but they need to help her so we can have her back'.


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